
COMMENT POLICY: Steve's page is intended for a responsible discussion of the issues. Differing opinions and spirited debate are welcome. However, spamming and offensive language is not. Violations are subject to removal or a permanent ban.
Rep. Southerland has taken a leading role in ensuring a bright future for Florida’s Second District. As chair of the Bay County Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Economic Development Alliance, Rep. Southerland spearheaded efforts to grow the local economy and create jobs. As chair of the Early Learning Coalition of Northwest Florida, Rep. Southerland promoted educational initiatives that u...
nite families and prepare young children who are entering kindergarten. Through his work with the Covenant Hospice Foundation board, Rep. Southerland improved local health care services for our seniors and veterans.

Rep. Southerland has spent nearly his entire life as a resident of Panama City. As the owner and president of Southerland Family Funeral Homes, a third generation small business, he understands the challenges faced by local families and has helped provide jobs to dozens of hardworking Floridians. As a small business owner, Rep. Southerland believes that hard work and honest dealings, rather than the whims of Washington, are the ingredients for success.

Steve Southerland and Susan, his wife of 24 years, met in the first grade and have spent most of their formative years together. Steve and Susan are proudly instilling the values of faith, family, and freedom in the next generation of Southerlands – their daughters Samantha, Stephanie, Ally, and Abby.
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About Me
Steve Southerland has been a leader for North and Northwest Florida, owning and operating a local small business and taking an active role in his community long before his election to the 112th Congress.

Sworn in to office on January 5, 2011, Congressman Southerland serves on the important House Committees on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Transportation, each of which play a critical role in protecting jobs, promoting economic development, and preserving treasured resources across Florida’s Second District.

Congressman Southerland believes the best way to keep America strong is to empower its people, not government bureaucrats. Expanding personal freedom by shrinking the size of government. Fueling the engine of free enterprise through lower taxes and less regulation. Supporting a responsible pro-family agenda that strengthens homes and teaches our children how to succeed. These are the bedrock principles that secure the blessings of liberty for future generations.

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