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Energy and climate policies that focus on new regulations and tax hikes will do more the hurt the economy than improve the environment. Republican Members of the Select Committee will urge Congress to evaluate any new energy or climate policies on four basic principles:


Congress must not pick winners and losers. All technologies will be key to addressing climate change:

Advanced technology provides the best path to improving America’s energy security and reducing greenhouse gases in a way that preserves both the environment and economic growth. There is no one technology that will meet these goals. Instead, America must develop a diverse array of energy technologies that must include reliable fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas, as well as advanced technologies like nuclear, wind and solar power, and next-generation research like carbon capture and storage.

Related Items:

Press Releases

(June 15, 2010Legislation Will Spur Robust Electrical Grid for New Technology

(May 24, 2010NRC Staff Report Shows Political Motive behind Yucca Closure

(April 14, 2010Coal Must Remain a Central Element of U.S. Energy Policy

Letters From the Committee

(September 24, 2009Sensenbrenner Raises Concerns over Energy Department White Paper Refuting Spanish Study

(April 24, 2009Letter to EPA Administrator: Sensenbrenner Wants EPA to Clarify Climate Legislation Costs

(January 26, 2009Letter to EPA Administrator Jackson: Changes in Efficiency Calculations Can Help Lower Fuel Use


(May 12, 2010Sensenbrenner Opposes America Competes Reauthorization Act


(April 14, 2010Coal Must Remain a Central Element of U.S. Energy Policy

(September 24, 2009Solar Heats Up: Accelerating Widespread Deployment

(July 29, 2009Climate for Innovation: Technology and Intellectual Property in Global Climate Solutions


(April 22, 2009Washington Times: Sensenbrenner: Cap-and-Tax Will Cost Jobs, Hurt Economy, Won't Help Environment

(April 20, 2009Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: 'Cap-and-tax' means costs will go up for everyone

(April 3, 2009Wall Street Journal: Technology Is the Answer to Climate Change

Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming - Republicans
H2-344 Ford House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-0110 | Fax: (202) 225-0095

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