Final Stretch Volunteers

When we reach the final weeks of the election, we'll need all hands on deck. Please fill out this form to let us know how you can help win a Democratic Majority in the closing weeks of the 2012 election!

Volunteer Positions to be Filled: We expect to have various assignments for our recruits, but we have determined the greatest needs are likely to fall into the following general areas of expertise:

Community Outreach: The Community Outreach role will be responsible for facilitating a community event presence. They will work on identifying and fostering events in the district and organize surrogates for radio, church visits and community events.

Field: The Field role will be responsible for assisting the Field Program in being successful. They will be responsible for assisting parts of the field operation as well as doing voter contact. In addition, you will assist with Vote By Mail programs, GOTV preparation and volunteer training.

Voter Protection: The Voter Protection role will be responsible for working with the DCCC and the Congressional Campaign on ensuring that the vote is protected. They will assist the Field Team in tracking voter issues that arise and coordinating to make sure that the campaign is prepared.

Press: The Press role will be responsible for building earned media events, compiling press clips and assisting the Communications Director in whatever arises.

Assignments within these 4 positions will be commensurate with experience and background. In addition, the length of a volunteer’s stay will be taken into account upon deciding their assignment.

These volunteer positions on a congressional campaign are unpaid positions.

* denotes required field