Sensenbrenner: Senate Should Slow Down on Global Warming Bill

November 5, 2009

Sensenbrenner: Senate Should Slow Down on Global Warming Bill

‘This bill will send energy costs racing upward and put the brakes on any hope of economic recovery.’

Washington, D.C.– Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, Wis., ranking Republican on the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, today criticized the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works for passing global warming legislation without participation from the panel’s Republicans or waiting for a thorough economic analysis from the Environmental Protection Agency.

“I guess after seeing Tuesday’s election results, Democrats figured they had to hit the gas on their global warming bill and not bother with a pesky EPA analysis,” Sensenbrenner said. “This bill will send energy costs racing upward and put the brakes on any hope of economic recovery. Once the American public starts paying for these special interests, Democrats may not have much to hope for in future elections either. Senate Democrats should do themselves and all Americans a favor and pause on this legislation until we can find an economically-viable solution.”
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Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming - Republicans
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