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Woolsey Passes Amendment to Promote Science Education to Women and Minorities

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma) announced that her amendment to increase the number of women and minority professionals in science, math, engineering and technology careers will be included in H.R. 3130, the Technology Talent Act.

The following is Rep. Woolsey’s statement:

“Most of my colleagues know that I’ve been an outspoken voice for increasing young women’s interest in these fields (the sciences). My “GO Girl!” bill, H.R. 1536, addresses this issue by encouraging young girls’ interest in science, math, engineering, and technology, and provides a way for them to gain both the practical advice and the vision they need to pursue undergraduate, graduate or careers in these fields.

“My amendment today will build on this effort. Specifically, it calls on the National Science Foundation (NSF) and its grantees to work to cultivate ALL student demographics to study science, math, engineering or technology. By “ALL,” I mean efforts to include those from traditionally underrepresented demographics - that is, women and minorities.

“While the face of our workforce in general may have become more diverse, it’s no secret that the science, math, engineering, and technology workforce remains mostly white males…If we truly want to increase the number of qualified domestic scientists and engineers -- so that we don’t have to look abroad for workers to fill these jobs -- we must cultivate our own students’ scientific and technological talent…women, men, minorities - everyone!

"NSF has a good track record in this department, but my amendment will also ensure that everyone who receives a grant from NSF knows that cultivating the talents of traditionally underrepresented students is part of the package.”

Rep. Woolsey is the Ranking Member on the House Science Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy and a Senior Member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. She knows how important education is to our children and the future of our country. Only by promoting science, math, engineering and technology careers to ALL of our students will we be able to keep our nation on the cutting-edge of scientific and technological innovation.
