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Congresswoman Woolsey Calls for Repeal of President's Iraq War Powers

- Says Congress never authorized an occupation of Iraq -
Click here for copy of the bill, H.R. 5875 (pdf version) 
Washington, D.C. - One of the most outspoken critics of the war in Iraq, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma) today introduced H.R. 5875, legislation that would repeal the President’s War Powers for the Iraq War.  While the Congress authorized President Bush to wage war against Iraq in 2002, the original authorization did not anticipate an open-ended U.S. military campaign against Iraq, or the occupation that currently exists.

“Six weeks after we invaded Iraq, President Bush stood aboard an aircraft carrier before a banner that read ‘Mission Accomplished,’ declaring that ‘major combat operations in Iraq are over,’ Woolsey said.  “From that moment on, we were no longer fighting a war, but rather participating in an occupation.  You can not win an occupation!”

Not only did Congress not authorize the long-term occupation of Iraq, but our troops’ presence is contributing to the state of civil war that exists in the country.  According to the United Nations, the violence in Iraq is increasing, with an average of 100 Iraqis dying every day.

“Rescinding the President’s War Powers in Iraq is the least that we can do for our troops, and for their families who anxiously await their return,” Woolsey said.  “With over 2,550 brave men and women having given their lives, and thousands seriously wounded, how many more must die before we put an end to this madness?

“By repealing the Iraq War Powers, Congress would resume its Constitutional role overseeing the use of military force, and would reassert its authority by bringing our troops home.”

Woolsey was joined by 18 other original co-sponsors of the legislation, in no particular order they include: Barbara Lee (CA); Dennis Kucinich (OH); Maxine Waters (CA); Maurice Hinchey (NY); James Moran (VA); Major Owens (NY); Cynthia McKinney (GA); Fortney "Pete" Stark (CA); Bob Filner (CA); Julia Carson (IN); Chaka Fattah (PA); Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI); Marty Meehan (MA); Donald Payne (NJ); Jose Serrano (NY); Danny Davis (IL); David Wu (OR) and Sheila Jackson Lee (TX).
woolse_070_xml.pdf ( 09/20/10 12:42 PM PST )