Business Leaders Agree, the President's Failed Policies Are Making It Worse

September 26, 2012


The President’s Failed Policies Hinder Job Creation at Businesses Large and Small

  • Today, three new business surveys confirm what 23 million out-of-work Americans already know: President Obama’s policies are making the economy worse and keeping businesses from hiring.
  • The surveys released today show wide consensus from small business owners and CEOs alike that the president’s failed economic agenda is slowing growth, preventing hiring and generating widespread uncertainty.
  • Specifically, the president’s policies have created lower expectations about our nation’s economic future and stifled small business growth.


Small Business Owners Cannot Hire Because of President Obama’s Failed Policies:

  • In addition, 67 percent say there is too much uncertainty in the market today to expand, grow or hire new workers.
  • Perhaps most shockingly, 55 percent of small business owners say they would not start a business today given what they know now and in the current environment.


CEOs Say the Economy is Getting Worse:

  • Another survey, released today by the Business Roundtable, showed optimism about the economy among U.S. CEOs has fallen to its lowest level since 2009.
  • The CEO Economic Outlook Index recordedthe third-sharpest drop in the survey’s decade-long history.
  • According to the survey, 34 percent of U.S. CEOs expect to cut jobs in the U.S. over the next six months, up from 20 percent last quarter.


Half of CFOs are Pessimistic about the Future of the Economy:

  • According to reports, Deloitte’s upcoming quarterly CFO Signals Survey will echo small business owners’ and CEO’s pessimism about the course of the economy under President Obama.
  • The CFO survey will show that 47 percent of U.S. CFOs are more pessimistic than a year ago.
  • According to Deloitte, this survey shows the “most somber year-over-year expectations” in the survey’s history.


House Republicans Have a Plan for Economic Growth and American Jobs

  • House Republicans have a Plan for America’s Job Creators and it’s time for the president and Senate Democrats to stop blocking our bipartisan jobs bills, such as the dozens of bills passed in the House that would provide relief from record amounts of red tape.
  • Unfortunately, President Obama and Senate Democrats have not brought forth a credible plan to avoid the next recession. House Republicans have urged the president and Democrats in the Senate to join us in preventing another recession. Without action from the president and the Senate, CBO confirms that we are heading for another recession and higher unemployment.


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