President Obama's Failed Energy Tour

August 16, 2012

“President Obama has done all that he can to make it harder for us to use our own energy.”

 --Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), August 14, 2012




The president’s policies have failed and are making the economy worse—in fact, since President Obama took office, we’ve seen a gallon of gas rise from $1.89 in January, 2009, to $3.71 today.  According to an article in yesterday’s USA Today, prices are likely to continue climbing through August, with little relief until after Labor Day.  In fact, 2012's gas average has already proven to be the most expensive year ever for motorists.

Because the president cannot stand on his record, he has regrettably turned to the politics of envy and division.  While the president claims that some Americans are not “paying their fair share,” he has handed out hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ dollars to his political allies like Solyndra and proposed more taxes and red tape on American sources of energy.  The president’s failed energy policies are destroying jobs and costing families more at the pump. 

On Tuesday, President Obama continued his three-day Iowa campaign tour by shifting his focus to attacks against Republicans over alternative energy issues, specifically wind energy tax-credits.  In his State of the Union address to Congress, the president said that he supports an “all-of-the-above” national energy policy to bring down energy prices and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.  The sad fact is that his actions do not match his rhetoric, and his policies are causing energy prices to increase.   

Instead of advancing an “all-of-the-above” energy plan, the president has tried and failed to build a green economy, using billions of taxpayer dollars to fund Solyndra and an energy agenda that cannot survive without taxpayer support.  The president also rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline project twice in order to please his extreme environmentalist political supporters.  Furthermore, the Obama administration’s regulations are blocking American energy production, promoting energy dependence on foreign sources, raising energy costs, and preventing new well-paying jobs from being created.




The president has burdened our economy, job creators and American families with new taxes and red tape that punish American energy sources that do not fit into the his vision of a green economy.  Americans understand that the president’s plan to single out the oil and gas industry for tax increases, and increase burdensome energy regulations, does not reflect an “all-of-the-above” energy plan.

Unlike the president, House Republicans support a true “all-of-the-above” energy approach, including comprehensive tax reform, which would mean that everything should be considered in the context of how to make the tax code fairer and simpler. 

As part of House Republican’s “all-of-the-above” energy plan, the House has approved numerous bills that would expand domestic energy production, help to lower gas prices at the pump and remove barriers to private sector job creation.  It’s time President Obama and Senate Democrats stop blocking our bipartisan jobs bills.  To access a summary of steps House Republicans have taken to create more American energy, spur job growth, and lower prices at the pump, please see our August 2012 House Republican Solutions

For questions or further information contact Sarah Makin

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