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Paulsen Introduces Bill to Save Minnesotans Millions in Utility Bills

WASHINGTON – In an effort that would save Minnesota ratepayers millions of dollars on their utility bills, Congressman Erik Paulsen today introduced the Rebating America’s Deposits Act.  This legislation would prevent further collection of fees for the federal Nuclear Waste Fund, which was established to fund a permanent nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.  To date no repository exists, putting Minnesota ratepayers on the hook for over $375 million in fees for a fund that is not serving any purpose.  Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is the author of a companion bill in the Senate. 

“The government is not doing what it promised to do with nuclear waste, yet Minnesota ratepayers – along with the residents of 38 other states - are still being forced to foot the bill,” said Paulsen.  “Energy costs have risen dramatically in recent years, and there is simply no reason for consumers to pay even more for a service that is not being provided.”

The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 established the Nuclear Waste Fund.  The Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Storage Facility in Nevada has been the main facility planned to store waste, yet it remains closed over a decade after it was initially supposed to be opened in 1998.  Specifically, Paulsen’s bill would require that Yucca Mountain be certified as a permanent nuclear waste repository within 30 days of passage.  If it is not certified, this bill would rebate money currently in the fund, while also halting future payments to the fund.  To date, over $30 billion in fees have been collected for this fund nationwide.

Additionally, the bill authorizes payments to states currently housing nuclear waste that was scheduled to be transferred to Yucca Mountain.  The payments would begin in 2017, the year the waste was scheduled to be shipped to Yucca Mountain. 

“We need to move forward aggressively with expanding nuclear energy as a renewable energy source, and storing waste is a critical piece of that effort,” Paulsen said.  “If the federal government continues to drag their feet on a permanent storage site, we must ensure those who are storing this waste and the communities they live in are not penalized.” 

For more information on this bill, as well as Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit

