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April 08, 2010

Congressman Higgins, Mayor Polanski Announce $500,000 for Traffic Improvements Along Ridge Road

Work will Complement Ongoing $21Million Bridge Project

Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-27) and Mayor Norman Polanski announced a $500,000 federal Recovery Act grant to support traffic safety and equipment improvements as well as synchronization along Ridge Road in the City of Lackawanna. 

“Ridge Road is one of the prime transportation routes serving as the backbone to local businesses and Lackawanna destination points like the OLV Basilica and the Botanical Gardens,” said Congressman Brian Higgins.  “This significant federal grant will save Lackawanna residents and visitors time and money lost with the existing stop-and-go traffic flow, in addition to providing a safer transportation route, cleaner environment through reduced emissions and more user friendly infrastructure for local businesses.” 

“The safety of our citizens is of great importance to our elected officials and this grant will improve the safety of citizens travelling on Ridge Road,” added Mayor Norman Polanski.  “I am very pleased that the federal government and our congressman realize the condition of this road and have stepped forward to help correct some of the problems.”

Congressman Higgins also noted this project will complement an ongoing $21.696 million project to reconstruct the Ridge Road Bridge which is funded using in excess of $17.35 million in federal dollars, more than $1.08 million from the City of Lackawanna and over $3.25 million in additional resources from the State.

The 2.35 mile stretch of Ridge Road in Lackawanna currently has 11 intersections controlled by traffic signals.  The signals are outdated and have not been re-synchronized since the days of accommodating heavy Bethlehem Steel Plant traffic volume. 

The Greater Buffalo Niagara Transportation Council recommends spacing between signals along principal arterials like Ridge Road to be one half mile (2,640 ft) at a minimum.  The average spacing between signals along the Ridge Road corridor is currently 1,240 feet, less than half of the recommended guidelines.

Lackawanna Police Department records also report 143 collisions at the identified signals over the last 3 years, a number higher that the NYS average for similar roadways. 

The $500,000 in federal funding will allow for a traffic study and fund upgraded traffic equipment along Ridge Road.  The study will examine the signal network between the Ridge Road intersections that stretch between Community Drive and Steelawanna Avenue to determine the number of signals necessary to safely and efficiently accommodate today’s daily average traffic volume which ranges between 11,150 to 22,600 automobiles.

The energy based objectives of the project is to reduce fuel consumption usage and delays for travelers along the stretch and decrease emissions by cutting down idling times. 

The federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program funding was distributed through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).  Lackawanna was one of 206 projects winning the competitive grants out of over 420 submissions statewide.  Below is the complete breakdown of the $642,022 awarded to Erie County:

Funds Allocated
Estimated Savings/Yr
$                  12,904
$                               3,014
To replace 127 T12 fixtures with T8 lamps and electronic ballasts, to replace28 incandescent lamps with screw-in CFLs, to weather strip and air seal windows, and to replace 10 incandescent exit signs with LED exit signs.
$                  22,198
$                               4,658
To install insulation, LED exit signs, metal halide fixtures, fluorescent fixtures, programmable thermostats, T8 lamps with electronic ballasts.
East Aurora
$                106,920
$                               3,826
To install a 21.6kW solar electric system on the roof of the Department of Public Works building.
$                500,000
$                          243,284
A traffic synchronization project at an 11 intersection corridor. Applicant will conduct a traffic study, design corridor changes, implement changes (anticipate removing 3 signal and upgrading 8 signals), and conduct study to verify the benefits.


"The federal stimulus program is providing critical funding to help local governments reduce their energy costs while helping New York reduce its overall energy consumption and our impact on the environment,” said Francis J. Murray, Jr. president and CEO of NYSERDA. “The clean-energy measures this funding supports will help create jobs and make meaningful progress towards meeting Governor David Paterson's ambitious energy reduction goals. NYSERDA looks forward to working with officials from the city of Lackawanna to help them achieve the greatest savings possible."


Attached Photo (L-R): Lackawanna Chamber of Commerce Ex. Dir Mike Sobaszek, Rep. Brian Higgins, Council President Chuck Jaworski, Councilman Joseph Schiavi & Mayor Norm Polanski

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