Senator Joe Lieberman
Home PagePrivacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting my Web site. Protecting the personal privacy of individuals who use the Internet is important to me, so I would like to take the opportunity to explain the policies I have put in place to safeguard your privacy when you visit my Web site. If you have questions or concerns about my Internet privacy policy, or any other issues involving the Internet, I hope you will contact me (as part of my E-Government project or otherwise) to let me know your opinions.

My basic Internet privacy policy is simple: My Web site collects no personal information about you when you visit the site unless you choose to provide that information to me so that I can contact you about an issue, help you with a problem, or ? in the case of the E-Government project ? gather opinions from various sources to help me prepare legislation. For more details on specific uses of information, you may wish to review the following topics: (1) Senate Collection of Non-Identifying Information; (2) Sending Me E-Mail Or Personal Casework Information; (3) The E-Government Project; and (4) Links to Other Sites.

Senate Collection of Non-Identifying Information

The U.S. Senate collects aggregate data about visits to Senate Web sites, such as statistics that show which parts of each Web site were visited the most. The following information is also collected when you visit any U.S. Senate Web site: the domain from which you access the site, the date and time of your visit, the pages you visit, and the address of the site, if any, that provided the link from which you reached the Senate site. This information is gathered only to help us improve the online service we provide to Senate Web visitors.

No individual identifying information (such as your name) is automatically gathered when you visit any Senate Web site. My site does not use ?cookies? or other means to track your visit to my site in any way. For more information about Senate internet security, go to U.S. Senate Internet Security and Privacy Policy.

Sending Me E-Mail Or Personal Casework Information

My personal Web site is not set up to collect any personal information about you when you visit the site unless you choose to provide that information. My Web site has an online form that you can use to send me an electronic mail message expressing your views or concerns. To send me an e-mail, the online form asks you for your name, address, and e-mail address. I use this information, if you choose to provide it, to contact you about your issues of interest and/or to provide any casework assistance I can regarding problems you may be experiencing in dealing with a government agency. This information will be available to members of my staff so they can help me in responding to your message or request.

If you are requesting help with a casework matter, it also may be necessary for my office to share the information you provide with the government agency from which you are requesting assistance, in order to respond to your request. My office will not share any personal information communicated through my Web site with any outside organization or individual, except in the following situations: (1) when needed to perform constituent casework at your request; (2) in the course of an authorized law enforcement investigation or emergency posing an imminent risk to public safety; or (3) if you choose to participate in my interactive online E-Government comment page, and authorize me to publish your comment, your name, and the organization you represent.

The E-Government Project

The E-Government project is an experiment in using online, interactive public comment as an aid in preparing legislation. The main page of this project provides an outline of categories and topics related to electronic government, which are being considered for inclusion in future legislation. By following the instructions provided, you can learn more about a given topic, submit comments about one or more topics, or view a sampling of comments that others have made about these topics. I am actively seeking the opinions of all visitors to my site to help me analyze the various E-Government proposals offered for consideration.

If you choose to make a comment, the online form will ask you for your name, organization, organization type, zip code, phone number, and e-mail address. The only fields that are mandatory are the organization type and the e-mail address. This feature allows you to submit comments anonymously, while allowing me to reply if I need clarification.

Part of the interactive process on the E-Government project site is the ability to view a sampling of comments made by others on a given topic. At the bottom of the online comment form, you can choose to: (1) have your comment (or an excerpt) posted for others to read, with your name and organization identified; (2) have your comment (or an excerpt) posted anonymously; or (3) choose not to have your comment posted. Given the possible large volume of comments, I cannot guarantee that a given comment will be posted, but I will try to provide, at a minimum, a representative sampling of views.

Your participation in this interactive online process is entirely voluntary, and I will stridently protect your privacy in accordance with the instructions you give me. Regardless of which posting option you choose, I will not include your e-mail address, zip code, or telephone number in any site posting, nor will I provide this information to any outside individual or organization.

Links to Other Sites

My Web site has links to other useful sites on the Internet, including sites of other government agencies and sites relating to Connecticut. If you follow any link to a location outside my personal Web site, you should refer to that site?s own privacy policy.

P3P Compliance

Senator Lieberman's web site is compliant with the Platform for Privacy Preference Project (P3P) specification. If you are using a web browser or other privacy software that is able to read P3P policies, the site's privacy practices have already been sent to you automatically. Click here for more information on P3P.

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Issue Spotlight


Senators Introduce Revised Cybersecurity Legislation, S.3414

The five co-sponsors of bipartisan cybersecurity legislation introduced new, revised legislation July 19, 2012; to protect our national security, economic security, and life-sustaining services from increasingly commonplace cyber-attacks.

The co-sponsors - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Maine, Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., Select Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, D-Ca., and Federal Financial Management Subcommittee Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del. – offered the revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012 in a good faith effort to secure enough votes to address the immediate threat of attack from foreign nations, hacktivists, criminals, and terrorists against the nation’s most critical cyber systems. More information: here.