Press Releases

Roby: White House must provide straightforward answers on Benghazi attack
Response to tragic incident shouldn’t be about politics, Roby says

October 11, 2012 -

One month after the September 11th terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left Ambassador Chris Stephens and three other Americans dead, U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-AL) expressed frustration and disappointment over the Obama Administration’s mishandling of information regarding the attack.

Recent reports and congressional testimony now reveal that the attack was never a “spontaneous protest” resulting from an inflammatory video, but a planned, coordinated terrorist strike on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Why Administration officials led Congress and the American people to believe otherwise is a serious question that needs to be answered, Rep. Roby said.

“We were all shocked to see the ruthless violence that took place in Benghazi that day, and naturally there was confusion in the immediate aftermath. It takes time to gather all the facts. The American people understand that and are willing to wait for correct information. What they won’t accept is misinformation.

“State Department officials admitted to reporters on Tuesday the Department had never concluded that the attack resulted from a protest over a video. Why then did the President and Administration officials continue to characterize the attacks as spontaneous protests when State Department officials never reported that was the case?  This was either a communication breakdown of epic proportions or the White House was deliberately misleading the American people. Either way, the people deserve to know what the Administration knew and when they knew it, and it’s time for the White House to provide answers in a straightforward and forthright manner.”

Even though it is an election year, this tragic incident and the Administration’s response shouldn’t be about politics, Rep. Roby said.

“This isn’t about politics. Four Americans died. This is about whether or not the American people can trust the information coming from their elected leaders. I’m not sure these recent revelations would have been brought to light had Chairman Issa not called a hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Congress will continue to demand the White House be more forthcoming with answers in the days to come.”

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