Levin Reaction to NTSB Findings on Enbridge Oil Spill

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

WASHINGTON – Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., released the following statement today in reaction to the National Transportation Safety Board announcement Tuesday that “pervasive organizational failures by a pipeline operator along with weak federal regulations” led to the 2010 Enbridge oil pipeline spill near Marshall.

"The NTSB findings released today show that Enbridge exhibited a shocking disregard for public safety and an inadequate emergency response plan once the leak occurred. The findings also outline serious weaknesses in the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s approach. Enbridge needs to quickly demonstrate to the people of Michigan that it has changed its ways, and should consent to pay the proposed $3.7 million penalty for its mistakes without appeal. I will continue to press PHMSA to strengthen its regulations and oversight of pipelines and to adopt all the NTSB recommendations as quickly as possible."