Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich

  • Kucinich Announces Congressional Briefing on U.S. Combat Drone Program
    Nov 3, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following video criticizing the lack of oversight in the United States’ combat drones program. Kucinich also announced plans to hold a Congressional briefing on the drone program on November 16, 2012. See the video here. “The Washington Post rece... More
  • Save Billions and Protect our Children’s Health: End The Childhood Obesity Subsidy
    Nov 2, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following video explaining how American tax dollars go to subsidize the childhood obesity epidemic facing America. Kucinich is author of legislation, HR 4310, which would end the subsidy. See video here. “Did you know that YOU are paying to promo... More
  • Repeating their Efforts, State Department Hopes for New Results from Syrian Opposition Groups
    Nov 2, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement responding to news reports that the State Department is organizing a new conference in Qatar to organize scattered Syrian opposition groups into a single entity. Previous efforts resulted in the Syrian National Council, compri... More
  • FirstEnergy Incompetence Leaves 127,000 Residents without Power
    Nov 1, 2012  - Cleveland, OH (November 1, 2012) -- Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement concerning FirstEnergy’s failure to return power to the people of Northeast Ohio. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that 127,000 area residents are still without power after FirstEnergy sen... More
  • Laws of Physics Won’t Wait for Laws from Congress
    Oct 31, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement. When Congress returns he will introduce climate change legislation that will establish a target goal for carbon in the atmosphere of 350 parts per million. It is currently at 394 parts per million. See the video here. “Everyo... More
  • A Considered Approach to Syria
    Oct 25, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement citing an author writing for The New York Times who has spent time in Syria and opposes a military intervention. See video here. “A recent opinion editorial in The New York Times highlights the dangers of western intervention ... More
  • Consumers Demand Right To Know
    Oct 25, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement calling for labeling laws to inform consumers which foods are genetically modified. A ballot initiative in California may soon give consumers in that state a chance to demand information. Congressman Kucinich is the author of ... More
  • Kucinich Demands EPA Suspend Chemical Devastating Bee Population
    Oct 25, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today addressed a rally organized by the Center for Food Safety, Beyond Pesticides and Pesticide Action Network of North America where advocates urged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) to take immediate action and suspend the use of a harmful pestic... More
  • The Kill Matrix
    Oct 24, 2012  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement opposing the codification and the streamlining of the United States’ “Kill Matrix” which determines when and where the United States uses drones to conduct targeted killings. Kucinich added, “state-sponsored murder has killed ... More
  • Kucinich Senior Staffer Marty Gelfand to Receive Housing Advocacy Award
    Oct 19, 2012  - Marty Gelfand, Senior Counsel for Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), will be presented an award for “his tireless efforts to promote Fair Lending and Housing Justice in Ohio through the dedicated work of Congressman Kucinich’s Office” at the 22nd Annual Fair Lending Conference on October 26, 2012. ... More