Press Releases

November 6, 2012 | Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), after consultation with Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), today issued a subpoena for Barry Cadden, New England Compounding Center Co-owner and Managing Pharmacist, to appear before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on November 14, 2012, to testify about the deadly meningitis outbreak. Through his counsel, Cadden has declined to appear voluntarily.
November 5, 2012 | Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Continuing its investigation of the deadly meningitis outbreak, House Energy and Commerce Committee leaders today announced that the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will convene a hearing on Wednesday, November 14, 2012. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg is scheduled to testify. The subcommittee has also invited James Coffey, Director of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy, and Barry Cadden, Director of Pharmacy and owner of the New England Compounding Center.
October 25, 2012 | Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – A day after his inauguration, President Obama promised his administration would be defined by its openness and transparency, proudly declaring, "I will also hold myself, as president, to a new standard of openness….Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency."  Sadly, the Obama administration has failed to live up to
October 23, 2012 | Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Office of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor released a new report entitled The Imperial Presidency to highlight the Obama administration’s massive regulatory overreach and disregard for the legislative process. The House Energy and Commerce Committee has been on the frontlines in the fight to protect jobs from the “Imperial Presidency” and restore the authority of the legislative branch as outlined under the Constitution.
October 22, 2012 | Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee leaders today sent letters to the New England Compounding Center and one of its former owners to seek documents related to the recent outbreak of fungal meningitis as well as the history of investigations and operations of the NECC and associated entities.
October 22, 2012 | Press Release
WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, has scheduled a third, bipartisan Clean Air Act forum for Thursday, November 29, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 of the Rayburn House Office Building. The third forum continues the theme of the first two events: “State, Local, and Federal Cooperation in the Clean Air Act.” Participants representing state, local, and tribal governments will be announced.  
