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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman Robert HurtSee All
  2. Robert's newest weekly column is out - sign up by noon tomorrow at to receive the latest edition.
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  4. Today's jobs numbers bring more bad news for Virginia's 5th District. While the President continues to propose growing the federal government in order to create jobs, House Republicans know that it is our Main Street businesses that will create the jobs this country needs. Read Robert's statement on today's unemployment report here:
  5. Robert today released the following statement after being honored with the National Association of Manufacturers Award For Legislative Excellence by Virginia manufacturers. The award is given to lawmakers who have demonstrated a commitment to supporting policies that will encourage the prosperity of American manufacturing - Read here:
  6. Robert was proud to receive the NAM Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence at Meadwestvaco today.
    Photo: Robert was proud to receive the NAM Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence at Meadwestvaco today.
  7. Robert's Round-Up: The House Has Acted To Avoid The Fiscal Cliff: In this week's column, Robert discusses the need for the Senate and the President to join the House in addressing the devastating cuts and massive tax hikes that are set to take place at the year's end. Read more here:
  8. We encourage everyone to be prepared for Hurricane Sandy - find more information here:
  9. Today, Robert was recognized by the National Association of Manufacturers for his work on behalf of our 5th District manufacturers. In response, Robert said: "Manufacturing has historically played an important role in Virginia's 5th Distric...
    t, where we have had a long, proud history of manufacturing the finest goods that have been shipped across the world. Unfortunately, policies set forth in Washington over the past four years have only served to drown our manufacturers in over-regulation and higher taxes, and cripple them with skyrocketing energy prices that drive good Virginia jobs overseas. It is my belief that we should work in Washington to do all that we can to make it easier for our manufacturers to hire and expand. I am proud to receive this recognition and look forward to continuing to build upon the House of Representatives' record of reducing regulatory burdens on our manufacturers and keeping American jobs in America." Read more here:
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  10. Robert's Round-Up: 5th District Job Creators Tour: In this week's column, Robert discusses how the President's failed policies have negatively impacted our small businesses, farmers, and manufacturers and how the House of Representatives continues to work toward creating a better environment for our job creators in order to restore full employment and get our economy back on track:
  11. Robert stopped by Longwood Florist in Bedford
    Photo: Robert stopped by Longwood Florist in Bedford
  12. Robert visited Arrington Enterprises in Rocky Mount
    Photo: Robert visited Arrington Enterprises in Rocky Mount

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