Congressman Doc Hastings

Serving Central Washington

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On this section of the website, you can find a list of the most recent votes from the House of Representatives.  If you have questions about a vote, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What is the Difference between Aye/Nay and Yes/No Votes?

The distinction relates to whether Members are meeting as the full House of Representatives or as the Committee of the Whole which has different procedural rules although the membership is the same.
Date RC# Bill Vote Bill Name
9/21 603 h r 3409 Aye To limit the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to issue regulations before December 31, 2013, under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
9/21 602 h r 3409 No To limit the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to issue regulations before December 31, 2013, under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
9/21 601 h r 3409 Aye Gosar of Arizona Amendment No. 13
9/21 600 h r 3409 Aye Flake of Arizona Amendment No. 12
9/21 599 h r 3409 No DeFazio of Oregon Amendment No. 11
9/21 598 h r 3409 No Markey of Massachusetts Amendment No. 10
9/21 597 h r 3409 Aye McKinley of West Virginia Amendment No. 9
9/21 596 h r 3409 No Jackson Lee of Texas Amendment No. 8
9/21 595 h r 3409 No Markey of Massachusetts Amendment No. 5
9/21 594 h r 3409 Aye Kelly of Pennsylvania Amendment No. 4
9/21 593 h r 3409 No Waxman of California Amendment No. 3
9/21 592 h r 3409 No Markey of Massachusetts Amendment No. 1
9/20 591 h r 5987 Yea To establish the Manhattan Project National Historical Park in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Hanford, Washington, and for other purposes
9/20 590 h r 6429 Nay To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to promote innovation, investment, and research in the United States, to eliminate the diversity immigrant program, and for other purposes
9/20 589 h j res 118 Yea Providing for congressional disapproval of the rule submitted by the Office of Family Assistance of the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of HHS relating to waiver and expenditure authority under the Social Security Act with respect to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program
9/20 588 h res 788 Yea Providing for consideration of (H.J.Res. 118) and (H.R. 3409)
9/20 587 h res 788 Yea Providing for consideration of (H.J.Res. 118) and (H.R. 3409)
9/19 586 h r 5912 Yea To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to prohibit the use of public funds for political party conventions, and to provide for the return of previously distributed funds for deficit reduction
9/19 585 h r 5044 Yea To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude from gross income any discharge of indebtedness income on education loans of deceased veterans
9/14 584 h r 6213 Aye No More Solyndras Act
9/14 583 h r 6213 No No More Solyndras Act
9/14 582 h r 6213 No Waxman of California Amendment No. 2
9/14 581 h r 6213 No DeGette of Colorado Amendment No. 1
9/13 580 s 3245 Yea To extend by 3 years the authorization of the EB-5 Regional Center Program, the E-Verify Program, the Special Immigrant Nonminister Religious Worker Program, and the Conrad State 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program
9/13 579 h j res 117 Aye Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2013, and for other purposes
9/13 578 h j res 117 No Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2013, and for other purposes
9/13 577 h r 6365 Aye National Security and Job Protection Act
9/13 576 h r 6365 Nay National Security and Job Protection Act
9/13 575 h r 1775 Yea Stolen Valor Act
9/13 574 h res 779 Yea Providing for consideration of H.R. 6213, the No More Solyndras Act
9/13 573 h res 778 Aye Providing for consideration of H.J. Res. 117, making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2013, and for other purposes; H.R. 6365, the National Security and Job Protection Act
9/13 572 h res 778 Yea Providing for consideration of H.J. Res. 117, making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2013, and for other purposes; H.R. 6365, the National Security and Job Protection Act
9/12 571 h r 5865 Yea American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2012
9/12 570 h r 3857 Yea Public Transit Security and Local Law Enforcement Support Act
9/12 569 h r 5949 Yea To extend the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 for five years
9/12 568 h r 5544 Aye Minnesota Education Investment and Employment Act
9/12 567 h r 5544 No Minnesota Education Investment and Employment Act
9/12 566 h r 5544 No Grijalva of Arizona Part B Amendment No. 4
9/12 565 h r 5544 No Ellison of Minnesota Part B Amendment No. 3
9/12 564 h r 5544 No Holt of New Jersey Part B Amendment No. 2