
Speaker Boehner, Chairman Mica, & GOP Leaders Move Forward on Jobs Plan

Washington, DC – House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John L. Mica (R-FL) joined Speaker of the House John Boehner and other House Republicans in announcing plans to move forward with a long-term transportation reauthorization bill to improve the nation’s infrastructure and create jobs.  The following is Chairman Mica’s statement:

   “Speaker Boehner’s action today represents a milestone and great step forward in building America’s infrastructure.  This key component of our Republican jobs proposal will put Americans to work with a long-term and fiscally responsible plan.

“By contrast, on June 17, 2009, President Obama undermined the opportunity for a long-term transportation bill, putting on hold jobs and delaying building major infrastructure projects.  The results have been devastating, hitting hardest our construction industry, where millions remain unemployed.

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“The Speaker and Republicans today are offering a transportation jobs bill that will be a win-win-win for the American people.  Americans will win by rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure.  Americans will win by putting millions to work.  And Americans will win by having lower energy costs.

“It is my hope to mark up in the coming weeks a solid blueprint for the future of America’s transportation that will do the following: significantly streamline the process for projects by cutting red tape and unnecessary federal paperwork; consolidate duplicative federal transportation programs; provide flexibility, authority and responsibility to states and local governments to move transportation projects forward; and increase the ability to leverage financial resources and encourage more private sector participation in building infrastructure.

“I look forward to working with the Speaker and my colleagues as we move this important Republican jobs initiative forward.

“Finally, let me say that I disagree with President Obama that the American people have lost their ambition and imagination to undertake projects like the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge, nor do I believe that the American people are lazy.  The American people are not lazy – they are tired of red tape, bureaucracy, and obstacles to job creation that have been put in their way.  The American people are the most creative, hard-working and ambitious people on Earth.  No dynamic project is out of our reach if Congress enacts the plan and reforms proposed today.”