
Record Funding For Florida Transportation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – By a vote of 417-9, the House today passed a record $284 billion federal highway and transit bill that increases Florida’s highway funding by nearly $2.2 billion over the next six years.
“This measure provides one of the most significant increases in Florida highway funding in more than two decades,” said U.S. Rep. John L. Mica (FL-7th-R), a senior member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
Florida will receive nearly a 28% increase in transportation funds over the previous six- year highway bill. The funds are included in the “Transportation Efficiency Act - Legacy for Users” (TEA-LU), a bill that sets federal highway and transit funding formula, projects and policy for the next six years.
Mica added, “This bill begins to return to Florida a fair share of the 18.4 cents per gallon paid by motorists into the Federal Highway Trust Fund. We hope to do even better as the legislation is considered by the U.S. Senate and negotiations are finalized by a House-Senate conference committee.”
Also included in the bill are nearly half a billion dollars in earmarked projects for Florida’s 25 Congressional districts.
“This legislation gives hope to communities to complete and begin projects that help relieve some of our State’s mounting traffic congestion,” Mica added.
The Congressman is Florida’s senior member on the Transportation panel and he also serves as Chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee. He has helped to lead the donor state effort to increase the State’s overall rate of return from the Highway Trust Fund. The action today by the U.S. House means billions of dollars in additional revenue for Florida’s highway and mass transit needs.