
Mica: "Red Snapper Ban an Economic Disaster"

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Congressman John L. Mica (FL-07) called the Administration’s decision to impose a six month ban on Red Snapper fishing throughout the Southeast U.S. coast an economic disaster for the region.  “During this time of economic downturn this ban will be a significant job killer and an economic blow to nearly every coastal community from North Carolina to South Florida,” stated Mica.

The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will publish the final rule regarding Red Snapper fishing in the South Atlantic Marine Fishery on December 4, 2009.

 The rule, which takes effect on January 4, 2010, imposes a 180 day ban on Red Snapper fishing from North Carolina to South Florida with the possibility of extending the moratorium an additional 186 days.

 “This ban will put thousands of marginal sport fishing tourist enterprises out of business.  The timing couldn’t be worse for Florida with its tourism and fishing seasons set to begin at the start of the New Year and with the economy at its worst in years,” said Mica.

Mica explained, he is further dismayed that the Administration and NOAA will only consider future testimony for a more extensive ban.

In July, Rep. Mica introduced legislation that requested additional data collection before any ban was imposed, although the legislation had bipartisan support, environmental groups blocked consideration of the bill which was denied a hearing.