
Mica Commends President's Support for High-Speed Rail

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. John L. Mica (R-FL), Republican Leader of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, released the following statement regarding today’s high-speed passenger rail announcement by the Obama Administration.
“I commend the President for recognizing the importance of developing high-speed passenger rail transportation in the United States,” Mica said.
“High-speed rail, long ignored in this country, can provide Americans with an efficient, effective and environmentally friendly transportation alternative, as it does in other nations around the world,” Mica said.
The President today announced further plans for the $8 billion in stimulus funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act identified for high-speed rail development and passenger rail improvements.
Mica authored an initiative to open high-speed rail development in the United States to private sector participation, which was included in the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008 and became law in October 2008.
This initiative has generated a tremendous response.  So far, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has received over 100 expressions of interest from parties interested in the development, finance, construction, operation and maintenance of U.S. high-speed rail service.  Interested parties include state departments of transportation, finance companies, transportation consultants, rail service providers, major international conglomerates, train manufacturers, and architectural, engineering and construction firms.
“I look forward to working with the Administration, Members of Congress and others to help the United States realize the potential of high-speed rail and develop this critical component of a modern multi-modal transportation system,” Mica concluded.