
Mica Applauds Obama Choice for FEMA Administrator

Washington, D.C. – House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Republican Leader, John L. Mica (R-FL), today praised the nomination of W. Craig Fugate to be Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
            “Having worked closely with Craig Fugate in Florida, I am pleased the President intends to nominate such a sell qualified professional to be the FEMA Administrator,” Mica said.
‘The President needs a strong, outspoken FEMA Administrator who can quickly marshal the entire federal government in response to a disaster. The President made the right choice nominating Craig Fugate. Now he will need to make sure Fugate reports directly to him,” Mica added.
“Craig is widely recognized as one of the best emergency managers in the country. Craig did an excellent job managing Florida’s response to the horrendous 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons, and he knows what it takes to save lives and recover from any disaster,” Mica said.
            “Craig Fugate will bring extensive experience and strong leadership to FEMA.  As the director of emergency management in my home state of Florida, Mr. Fugate has managed and overseen the response to a number of major hurricanes, including hurricanes Dennis and Wilma,” Mica said.
            “He will bring practical knowledge about what States, local communities, and first responders need to respond and recover from a major disaster,” Mica added.
            Mica continued, “When State and local resources get overwhelmed following a major disaster, FEMA’s response is vital to assist those communities.  I am confident, with Mr. Fugate at the helm, there will be strong leadership with a clear understanding of the needs of communities impacted by major disasters.”
            Craig Fugate has served as the Director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management since 2001 and has more than 20 years of emergency management experience.
            The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure has primary legislative and oversight jurisdiction in the House of Representatives over FEMA and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.