
Mica Announces Largest Federal Funding Grant for Lynx Rail Project

Central Florida’s three term U.S. Rep. John L. Mica has convinced Federal appropriators to set aside $35.8 million to fund transit projects in Central Florida.
"Our light rail project is one giant step closer to becoming a reality," said Mica as he announced today that the House of Representatives passed the FINAL Conference Report for FY98 Transportation Appropriations, approving $31.8 million for Central Florida’s first leg of the LYNX proposed light rail system, $3 million for LYNX buses, and $1 million for intermodal station development.
Mica said "This money represents a record level of funding for local LYNX transit projects."
Last year Mica secured $2 million and initial federal approval of the light rail project, which was one of only a handful of new rail projects approved by Congress that year. The $2 million secured by Mica last year for the light rail project was used to complete the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. This year’s Congressional Appropriation of $31.8 million will fund the last step for transit prior to construction, which includes the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Final Design.
After final action in the U.S. House of Representatives, this funding measure must be approved by the U.S. Senate, which is expected to act today to pass the bill. The next step will be for the President to sign the bill.