
House Approves Orlando VA Hospital

 Despite best efforts by the VA to provide comprehensive health care services to aging veterans on a timely and convenient manner, veterans in the Central Florida region are faced with long wait times and inadequate access to VA medical resources.
     For too long, veterans have been forced to travel to distant VA facilities as far as Tampa to receive specialized care and rehabilitation treatment services.  Eligible United States veterans and their loved ones suffering from critical health ailments should not be forced to wait or travel inordinate distances for medical services.  These services must be provided in facilities close to their residence.  ? ?     In 2004, the Department of Veterans Affairs completed its nationwide study of its current facilities and recognized Central Florida as the highest populated area in the nation without a full-service veterans hospital.  In its final report, the VA recommended that a new hospital be built in Orlando to serve the veterans of the community.
      Initially, the VA was considering 6 site locations in Orange County to house the new full-service veterans hospital.  On September 13, 2006 the House approved legislation authorizing $377.7 million for the construction of the new hospital at a Lake Nona site.  This funding will combine with $25 million already provided for planning and design of the facility.
     The VA has already selected an architectural and design firm which will soon begin its work.  Throughout this process, Rep. Mica has been in communication with local veterans leaders and the VA to discuss the progress of the hospital.