
House Approves Florida Defense Funds

$517.8 million for Area Companies

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Rep. John L. Mica (R-7th District) announced today that the House of Representatives has approved $517.8 million for defense activities located throughout the 7th Congressional District. Funds are included in the Defense Appropriations Act passed in the House last night by a vote of 407-19.

“The programs funded in this legislation further our commitment to winning the Global War on Terror,” Mica stated. “This equipment will improve training and protection for our brave men and women serving in combat today, while providing significant economic support to Central Florida.”

This legislation must next be voted on by the Senate. Below is a list of the funded projects for the 7th District:

Seminole County - $7.5 million

Marine Corps Electronic Battlefield Fusion - $3 million
Funding for this system provides for the development of software and connectivity tools that will better process information from several intelligence and reconnaissance sources on the modern battlefield. It will provide greater force protection by speeding up delivery of real-time intelligence. This system is being developed by Electronic Warfare Associates of Lake Mary.

Diver Propulsion Device (DPD) - $4.5 million
This transport system will provide Army Engineer and Special Forces Dive Teams the ability to accomplish their respective missions. The Diver Propulsion Device will improve their ability to move personnel and equipment efficiently while executing port construction/rehabilitation, underwater infiltration, and other critical missions. This funding will provide initial operational procurement for Army Dive Teams. The batteries and related hardware for this project will be provided by Mathews and Associates of Sanford.

Volusia County - $12.5 million

COFT XXI - $3 million
This program is the Army National Guard’s #1 priority for Abrams Tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle training devices. The COFT XXI will provide needed upgrades for our aging fleet of COFT Trainers. Without this upgrade program, National Guard units would continue to have fewer trainers than needed to maintain required levels of preparedness and training. This program has been developed by Raydon Corporation of Daytona Beach.

Up-Armored HMMWV and Tactical Truck Crew Trainers - $2.7 million
The Up-Armored HMMWV and Tactical Truck Crew Trainer Program provides soldiers with life-like training to counter hostile actions when operating tactical trucks during convoy operations. This funding further expands this training capability and simulates training on immediate action drills and convoy operations for HMMWV and other Tactical Truck crews. This program has been developed by Raydon Corporation of Daytona Beach.

Tabletop Gunnery Trainers (TGT) and Full-Fidelity Trainers (TFT) - $3.3 million
This funding will purchase these training systems which are easily portable and can be deployed to provide soldiers with critical convoy, gunnery and maneuver skills. They are currently deployed providing training experience to our soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. This program has been developed by Raydon Corporation of Daytona Beach.

Virtual Door Gunnery Trainer (VDGT) - $2 million
This program is the Army National Guard’s top priority for virtual helicopter crew training and allows helicopter crew chiefs to train door gunner operations. VDGT simulates the real-life middle eastern battlefield situations and provides essential door gunner training for helicopter crews not available without expending flying hours and ammunition. This trainer provides National Guard crew chiefs the proper training in helicopter door gunnery needed for combat. This program has been developed by Raydon Corporation of Daytona Beach.

Gateway System - $1.5 million
This fiber and electrical cable interconnect system provides any number of electro-optical inputs and outputs to static or dynamic underwater assets such as acoustical sensors, detection sensors, video cameras and power docking stations. This funding will continue development of a gateway hub system for information and power centric activity in the underwater battle space. This will allow monitoring of the ocean floor, subsurface, and surface in meeting critical missions such as anti-submarine warfare, mine detection, countermeasures, intelligence, surveillance, special operations, and seaport security. This system is being developed by Ocean Design Incorporated of Daytona Beach.

St. Johns County - $497.8 million

E-2D Advanced Hawkeye - $497.8 million
The E-2 series aircraft has served an important role as the Navy’s primary carrier-based surveillance aircraft for more than 30 years. It is capable of processing actionable intelligence and making complex tactical decisions to support our fighters in the air, on land and at sea.  The new funding will continue development of the next generation Advanced Hawkeye which features greatly enhanced radar surveillance and improved communications. These systems will provide better tracking and detection of cruise missiles and other airborne threats. This program is being developed by Northrop Grumman with portions of the work completed in St. Augustine.