
Federal Funds For Sparton Defense Electronics


WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Representative John L. Mica (R-Volusia County) today announced that Sparton Defense Electronics in DeLeon Springs, Florida is being awarded by the Navy a competitively bid contract worth an estimated $7,602,486. The funds are for services and material to build 7,418 sonobuoys, and work is expected to be completed in March of 2006.
The sonobuoys produced by Sparton are dropped by various Naval airborne platforms and are routinely used for search and detection of submerged submarines. Using sophisticated targeting technology, the sonobuoys can individually track underwater craft through all manner of interference, after dropping by parachute from an altitude of up to 30,000 feet.
"Maintaining our Navy’s technological superiority is important to both our local economy and our national security requirements as we continue waging the War on Terror," Mica said. "Work done in DeLeon Springs helps keep our Naval surface fleet a vital and effective component of our Armed Forces."
Sparton is one of two manufacturers in the U.S. that produces sonobuoys and is an important defense employer in Volusia County.