
Federal Assistance Apporved For St. Johns Roadways and Rail Trail

Mica secures $25 million in House measure for area projects

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congressman John L. Mica (St. Johns-R) announced that key highway and trail projects in St. Johns County have cleared the first hurdle with passage of a major highway bill today in the House of Representatives.  Projects that received preliminary approval include the SR 312 Extension/Bypass, the US 1 Interchange at CR 210, and the SR 9B Extension, in addition to the St. Augustine to East Palatka Rail Trail.

“If given final approval, funds will move up construction for both the SR 312 Extension/Bypass and the SR 9B Extension,” stated Rep. Mica.  “These and several other projects are vital to relieving traffic and improving the quality of life throughout St. Johns County.” 

The federal assistance is included in the “Transportation Efficiency Act – Legacy for Users” legislation, a bill that identifies highway projects that will be eligible for federal funding for the next six years.  Mica is Florida’s senior member on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, which drafted the legislation, and also serves as Chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee.

The transportation bill also determines the distribution of federal gas tax funds for each state.  While Florida gains a net increase in highway funds, Rep. Mica is leading an effort to increase Florida’s overall rate of return from the Highway Trust Fund, which could mean hundreds of millions of dollars in additional revenue for highway and mass transit needs.

The Senate has also passed a major highway bill which does not identify specific projects.  In the coming months, differences between the two proposals must be reconciled through a House-Senate Conference Committee.

Funds will be available for up to six years and will be distributed through the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the following projects that were approved in the House bill:

SR 312 Extension/Bypass: $13million                                                                                      By extending SR 312 from its current terminus with SR 207 to SR 16, this project will create a half-loop around St. Augustine.  In addition to serving as an alternate travel route for County residents, the roadway will relieve traffic along  US 1 and in the downtown area of the nation’s oldest city, a national tourist destination.           

FDOT performed preliminary design and engineering in 1995.  The new funds would permit the completion of an Environmental Impact Study and right-of-way acquisition by 2008, and would move the construction schedule up to 2010.    

US 1 Interchange at CR 210:  $6.3 million                                                                         Design and construction of this grade-separate structure, which will span the Florida East Coast Railroad and US 1, will resolve traffic congestion problems and also will ensure access to a regional emergency evacuation corridor.  Investing in this interchange now will prevent it from becoming a major bottleneck in the future.           

St. Johns County and the Federal Government have funded the 4-laning of the Palm Valley Bridge where CR 210 crosses over the Intracoastal Waterway.  Other sections of CR 210 have been or are in the process of being expanded to 4 lanes both east and west of US 1.  With the new funds, preliminary design and engineering can be completed within one year, right-of-way acquisition in 2007 and construction in 2008.

SR 9B Extension: $2.8 million                                                                                         Connecting I-95 with SR 9A would form a continuous loop around the Jacksonville Metropolitan Area as part of I-295 when completed.  SR 9A is currently under construction, and funding for construction of SR 9B to I-95 has already been committed.  It is anticipated that the SR 9B Extension will extend south from the future Race Track Road interchange to form a regional traffic corridor.           

If the new funds are given final approval in the near future, preliminary engineering and design could be completed within a year, rights-of-way acquisition in 2007 and construction in 2008.  This project will provide much needed access to the I-95/I-295 system from northern St. Johns County.

St. Augustine to East Palatka Rail Trail:  $2.9 million                                                       Long identified as a high priority in the Statewide System of Greenways and Trails, the St. Augustine to Palatka Downtown Urban Trail has tremendous support on a national, State and local level.  Connections to conservation areas and local parks include Anastasia State Park, Vilano Beach and Railroad Park in Hastings.  Once completed, the rail trail will be designated as part of the East Coast Greenway and the Florida National Scenic Trail, as well as the St. Johns River Heritage Blueway.           

New funds would represent the first major investment in the project and would permit the completion of design and engineering and the commencement of construction activities.  The State of Florida, the City of Hastings and St. Johns County have already provided significant matching funds towards the project.