
President Releases Jobs Bill -- Your Thoughts?
Posted by on September 12, 2011
President Obama today released the text of his jobs legislation that he demanded Congress pass immediately.  Find it here.  Let me know your thoughts on the bill.
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Clark (Gene) Myatt commented on 9/12/2011
    Sir, I am a registered Republican and I am writing to request that you vote for the American Jobs Act. The act includes many features long favored by the Republicans. It is time to stop the bickering and put country first, not party first. As you know Congress has about a 13 percent approval rating. We are fed up with gridlock. Please vote in favor of this act and do something good for the country. People are hurting now and we can’t wait 14 more months till the next election. I am also in favor eliminating tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, and big oil and gas companies. If this act fails it will clearly be because of gridlock caused by the Republican party and the refusal of the Republicans to compromise. Since the Administration and the Democrats in Congress have basically come forth to agree with most Republican proposals please work to expedite the passage of for The American Jobs Act. Please let me know how you intend to vote on this Act. Sincerely, Gene Myatt
  • Gail Martinez commented on 9/12/2011
    Dear Mr. Miller, It is very important that this bill be passed. We are in desperate need of these jobs. I am concerned about all of the jobs, but especially concerned, as a teacher in Pasco County, about the importance of hiring more teachers and improving our schools. There is nothing I can think of that is more important then the education and future of our children. This letter is in hopes that you will vote to pass this bill. Thank you in advance, Gail Martinez
  • Vincent Tucei commented on 9/12/2011
    I favor the bill. Please support passage ASAP.
  • Patricia DuFour commented on 9/13/2011
    Dear Sir; I believe the "Jobs Plan" is a waste of our money. I stongly urge ALL Republicans to stand strong and VOTE AGAINST this Obama "plan". NO NO NO!!!!! Please work together, Sir, to help us elect ANY Republican to replace Obama. He must get out of the White House. Help us, please. Thank you.
  • Debbie Wildt commented on 9/13/2011
    It's time to pass this bill! No more worrying about the rich and what party you are because the people who need your help are all parties!! Least there is something that can be done to get jobs back ! PASS IT NOW!!!
  • Charlene Sanders commented on 9/13/2011
    The final straw. I own a small business and work 7 days a week year round, averaging around 90 hours a week. I am tired beyond belief, and voluntarily sacrifice leisure activities and sleep in order to have a thriving business. I truly need tax relief so I can afford to hire additional staff to grow my company. When I read the proposed items in the Jobs Bill, I was dismayed. If the bill is passed in it's proposed form, I will be forced to make a life altering decision, one mixed with sadness and with relief. I will stop caring and stop working, and get some well deserved rest. It will simply not be worth it to continue. If I stop working, there will be 5 other full time and additional part time workers who will not have jobs, and the nearly 3 million dollars (yes, 3 MILLION) in taxable resort rentals I am solely responsible for generating annually will go away, eliminating tax income for the state of Florida, not to mention the goods and services generated during the stays of the 8000 visitors we bring to the area each year! I am truly at that point. Please do what you can to protect small business owners like myself who work unimaginably hard for every dollar we earn. If a small business owner earns more than $200,000 in a year, it is through tremendous sacrifice, and taxing me in a non-proportionate manner is ethically wrong. There is a point that it becomes easier to become a taker from society than be a producer, and I feel we are teetering on that brink. It is frightening to think that if there are more voters who are takers than givers, which will ultimately result in a total collapse of our economy. I would value your comments as well. Best Regards, Charlene Sanders Owner of Gulf Coast Owner Services, Inc dba Luxury Coastal Vacations 850-332-5120 Office 256-337-3370 Cell
  • Jana Justice commented on 9/13/2011
    Government doesn't create jobs, business creates jobs. And until there's some long-term planning and certainty small business owners, like myself, won't invest in new jobs. Obama's Job's Bill is okay until you get to Section 254. From there you will be creating a non-profit President owned, and controlled group for discretionary spending. It's a new way to provide earmarks totally under the control of the White House where secret meetings can be held and the minutes aren't available for 1 year? There are certainly a number of Corporations whose Board of Directors have allowed CEO's to amass large benefits and profits, but there are more that have acted responsibly. Americans want jobs but not allow greedy corporations to take advantage of employees. How will new jobs get created when the atmosphere for job creation has become so poisonous? American financial crisis have been centered on industry since the 1920's. Starting with Railroads, dot coms, and now banking. If you want the standard of living you have and the security of jobs there will always be some industry that drives the economy. Not Government! Please find another mechanism for funding this bill, or remove total control from the White House. I am a registered Non-Affiliated.
  • Lori Ford commented on 9/13/2011
    Please support the Jobs Bill! It should be top priority!
  • Mary Crowe commented on 9/13/2011
    Pass it. Congress is incapable of coming up with anything else whether better or worse.
  • Fawn Neun commented on 9/14/2011
    Mr. Miller, As a Veteran, Florida voter and small business professional in construction, I urge you to pass the Jobs Act Bill immediately. Small business in Florida is struggling and small business is the business that does, in fact, create jobs. Payroll tax cuts, investments in modernization and education are required for Florida, and America, to compete on a global scale. Modifications to tax deductions for large corporations are required to improve infrastructure and public education. Large corporations don't create jobs, they create dividends, and those of us who work in finance know this dirty little secret. Time to support the small businesses, families and young people that keep this country productive. All of OUR eggs are in the American basket. No more perks for large corporations like Capital One and Home Depot, who have both laid off hundreds of employees in Hillsborough County and moved operations to India, after bilking the Florida tax payers of millions in incentive tax cuts. They've left us with the shells of their empty buildings and the burden of supporting the families who have been devastated by their bottom-line-above-all tactics. Do we want to cut large corporations like this a refund check, or the small businesses that invest, spend and build in America? Pass the Jobs Act - Americans are tired of the partisan bickering. It's just embarrassing.
  • Renee Borden commented on 9/14/2011
    Pass this bill, as someone involved in the construction industry, I believe the passage of this bill will stimulate our suffering market and give us an economic boost that our industry desperately needs. These are American jobs, local jobs for OUR communities. Cross the party line and pass this bill. Thank you
  • Patrick McBride commented on 9/14/2011
    Rep. Miller, I am writing to tell you to pass the American Jobs Act. It's time to set ideologies aside on whether it's tax cuts or government spending that creates jobs and DO SOMETHING. This bill seems to have provisions that can be supported by both Republicans and Democrats, and I think something must be done to jumpstart economic growth. It isn't the answer by itself, but inaction or months of prolonged political debate are not a viable option for the workers of Northwest Florida or the rest of the United States. We need to get to work. Thanks.
  • Deborah Andress commented on 9/14/2011
    I want to encourage you to pass the bill. Everyone is truly sick and disgusted with the petty bickering that is going on in Congress. It is time for everyone to truly work together and get this country back to work, even if it causes some to pay higher taxes. I also think our whole tax system needs a major overhaul, where everyone pays a fair amount, that includes the poor to the very rich, small to large business and corporations.
  • Vincent Borden commented on 9/14/2011
    Mr. Miller, Please support our President's jobs bill. I am a transportation professional so I see the impact of that construction jobs have on goods sold, and transported. I see the effective distribution of paychecks due to the construction buying cycle. Thank you for your leadership and willingness to put the nations well being above party dogma.
  • Phillip S commented on 9/14/2011
    Please do not pass this bill. It is a waste of money that gives the President all the tax increases that the American Public has repeatedly denied him in past legislation. He is playing partisan politics and is unable to compromise (other than minimumally) soine. why compromise to his tax increases. This bill is more of the same that has brought this nation up to its neck in debt with an ever swelling unemployment l
  • Joyce Datko commented on 9/14/2011
    It only makes sence to pass the Presidents job bill.We must get People in this country back to work.I can't belive Congress is against this.I will never again vote for those against this bill.
  • William Wilson commented on 9/15/2011
    I am a registered Republican and want President Obama replaced as much as anyone but I am DESPERATE. If this act of his means possible jobs I am all for it. As Americans we can't afford to kill this act just to make Obama look bad. He does that by himself and with no help from anyone else. We can't sacrifice the lives of Good Americans who WANT to work just because its Obama who is responsible for the act. Please Congressman Miller!!! Support the Jobs Bill! Put American lives ahead of politics.
  • John Tatom commented on 9/15/2011
    Stop the energy dept ability to grant loans. Solyndra money would have paid for the jobs bill. Probably should pass parts of the legislation but listen to the small business people, they know what's best. Obama is wining so much about this bill that there has to be something seriously wrong. Help return some sanity in congress.
  • TERRY BARTH commented on 9/16/2011
    i and 153 friends want you to vote no on job bill. most of my friends are small business owners and i was til i retired. tax refrom for all --- no new regulation and have group of working people and business owner go over regulation in place to repeal the ones not needed. cut size of state and federal government head count. medicare and medicaid up-date cut fruad and just for people and familys that have paid in can draw-out money.If no acts is taken most of my friends are going to clean house of both rep. and dem. in 2012
  • Dina Sciarra commented on 9/16/2011
    Please pass the President's Jobs Act Bill. Too many of us American's need help NOW. It is a well thought and insightful comprehensive plan. Put politics aside and do the job we (American's) need you to do, the job you were elected to do, vote FOR US, the People. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
  • mark james commented on 9/18/2011
    Hello, I just want to encourage you to support the presidents jobs bill. We need jobs and the country and president need your support. People are tired of the fighting between Republicans on every issue the president suggest. Support him. Pass this bill. No excuses. Quit being obstructionist on virtually everything. Pass this bill. No excuses. Thank you
  • Jarrod Medley commented on 9/18/2011
    Please vote for the passage of this bill. Our district is in dire shape, we need some relief.
  • Bob Wigley commented on 9/19/2011
    Please represent your constituents by fighting this piece of "legislation" with everything that you have. This will be another colossal waste of tax payer money. We in the business community are hunkering down and waiting until we can vote this administration out. Americans do not need politicians to do anything for them except remove obstacles to freedom and liberty and then get the hell out of the way. Fight the further imposition of punitive taxes, strangling regulations, and wealth redistribution being pushed by this administration. We do not need nor do we want our representatives to work together with this administration to ensure that we are shackled with “lighter” chains.
  • Mike Madden commented on 9/19/2011
    Is this bill you posted before any committee or even presented to the house? What is the number of said bill. I need to know
  • laurie lynch commented on 9/20/2011
    Pass this Bill NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Linda Huggins commented on 9/22/2011
    This is not a tax on the rich! It will tax everybody in so-called fees or whatever they want to call it. Sick of the waste of tax dollars such a Solyndra! No jobs will be created, we are bankrupt, stop the madness.
  • Winford Rister commented on 9/24/2011
    I respectfully disagree with those who insist that you vote for this "jobs" bill. Recently many financial experts are saying that it will not create jobs, but will continue to increase our debt. As some have stated here, the government can not create jobs, except those which take taxpayer's money to fund. Only business can create perpetual jobs. I urge that you stand by the conservative-constitutional people of this country and vote against this monstrosity. We need a new bill which knocks the government off the backs and out of the business of small and medium businesses, so that they can get busy with their businesses, which will automatically create jobs with a purpose!..
  • Karla Burt commented on 9/27/2011
    Ugh simple ... NO!!!!!!!
  • Scott Weeks commented on 9/28/2011
    PASS THE BILL!!! SCREW POLITICS; SCREW RICH, FAT CAT INTEREST GROUPS; HELP THE LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYED!!! I believe we outnumber all the politicians, military and law enforcement combined. REMEMBER THAT! DO SOMETHING NOW!!!
  • Shelia Flavia commented on 10/2/2011
    As an American We do have Choices. Or should have Choices. Government is taking them away. America is head over heals in debt. If you tax the Rich then you will loose more businesses to other countries, and have even less jobs for Americans. We will loose Non-Profit Organizatons that help so many. St Judes Hospital for Children for example. How many type organizations like this in America? That help so many. The "Spending" is out of sight. Job loss out of sight. Why does Government think we need them to take care of us? We now have electronic Medical records. Ever wonder what the real reason is? Keep tabs on everyone. I doubt very seriously if "Politics" will ever change. How can our Government not see what it has done over the years to America? Looks like to me the Debt Ceiling is a Catch 22. How do you get the "Budget" back on track? Beats me. To much been going on to long with "Spending" .. Folks lobbying for this and that. Millions of Ilegals been here for years. How do you fix something has been going on for so long? You take a long hard look, Pray alot, and remember What America was founded on. Then see if "Government" at all levels can get back on track. SF
  • Randy Coleman commented on 10/3/2011
    I agree with Scott Weeks' post. DO SOMETHING! I live in Santa Rosa County and we are loosing jobs by the hundreds each week... There are no jobs in Santa Rosa County. 84 Lumber: Gone; Tata Call Center: Gone; Clearwire: Gone......even the local gas stations are folding up... I was "laid-off" from my job as a steel rebar machine operator in the Santa Rosa "Industrial Park" Last year... My unemployment benefits, that just barely keeps the few bills I have, paid are about to run out. Please help the UNEMPLOYED! My home is paid for but unless I keep the taxes paid, I will be living in the woods.... At least extend unemployment benefits and help bring in some local jobs.... Please?
  • Diane Peters commented on 10/3/2011
    I tried to read and understand this JOBS BILL.....and parts of it I couldnt make heads or tails out of not pass this bill.....I cant see where it is going to help those of us who are unemployed and cant find a job.....We want to work....we are not lazy, no-good for nothing people....we are hard working Americans who want to work and support our families....we dont want the government telling us what to do and how to do it.....small businesses are what we need.....small businesses are the ones who can get this country started in the right direction.....and this JOBS BILL and the White House Administration will not do the job needed!!!!! We dont need the kind of CHANGE that this Administration wants us to believe is in our best interest......They only want to spend more money....and blame the previous Administration for all the problems that we have.......Grow up and face the facts of life.....get over it.....and do something to save this great country that we live in.....but not by passing this JOBS BILL!!!!!!!!!
  • mary myers commented on 10/13/2011
    I haven't read the tax bill but from what I have seen from small business owners its not good !!! I know that the jobs that our President has talked about are short term jobs & won't solve any problems at all !!! Also, there is another spending bill in it & that's not good at all !!! We need to take OUR JOBS back from other countries & that's not going to happen until some of the regulations are taken off these companies !!! Also, the UNIONS are out of control !!! I'm not sure if the FREE TRADE agreement was such a hot idea !!! That's what started the beginning of the end for OUR COMPANIES when Clinton signed it in !!! Thank you for keeping us updated on what is happening in Washington !!
  • Carol Marshall commented on 10/19/2011
    Yes, pass President Obama's Jobs Bill immediately.
  • Antoinette Knowles commented on 10/28/2011
    I shudder at the thought of the OWS, However, "Idle hands do mischief brew" and that is what is happening.Somehow, because I personally have no answer, we MUST find jobs for these people. Restore their dignity. I do feel sending government contracts to foreign companies is a disgrace, With over 300,000,000 people, we have none with the intelligence to develop an electric car?
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