**Time Change ** King Announces Third Radicalization Hearing set for July 27 (new start time 10:00 a.m.)

**Time Change**

Washington, D.C.  (Tuesday, July 26, 2011) – U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, announced that on Wednesday, July 27 he will convene the third in the series of hearings on radicalization of the Muslim-American community.  The hearing is entitled:  “Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the Homeland.”

King said:  “In our first two hearings, the Committee has examined radicalization of Muslim-Americans generally and focused on the problem of radicalization in U.S. prisons. 

“At this hearing, the third in a series, we will examine Somalia-based terrorist organization al-Shabaab’s ongoing recruitment, radicalization, and training of young Muslim-Americans and al-Shabaab’s linking up with al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). 

“In Minnesota, Ohio, and other states, dozens of young Muslim males have been recruited, radicalized, and then taken from their communities for overseas terrorist training by al-Shabaab.  In a number of cases, the men – including both Somali-Americans and other converts -- have ended up carrying out suicide bombings or have otherwise been killed, often without their families even knowing where their sons have gone.  There has not been sufficient cooperation from mosque leaders.  In at least one instance, a Minnesota imam told the desperate family of a missing young man not to cooperate with the FBI.

“There are growing concerns that al Shabaab in Somalia is linking up with al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Yemen to better train these radicalized young men in order to attack Americans around the world, as well as launch attacks against our homeland.  

“This coordinated and ongoing recruitment and radicalization of young Muslim men in the U.S. is a serious and growing threat to our homeland security and simply cannot be ignored.” 

What:               Committee on Homeland Security Hearing:  “Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the Homeland”

When:               Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 10:00 a.m. (previously scheduled for 9:30 a.m.)

Where:             311 Cannon House Office Building

Witnesses:          Ahmed Hussen

·         Mr. Ahmed Hussen is a member of the Canadian government’s Cross Cultural Roundtable on Security and has distinguished himself as one of North America’s most prominent and respected Somali community activists and East Africa security and governance analysts. He is National President of the Canadian Somali Congress.

William Anders Folk

·         Mr. Folk is a Former Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Minnesota.  In his capacity as a federal prosecutor, he was the lead prosecutor on more than a dozen high-profile al Shabaab terrorism cases originating in the Minneapolis area and represented his office on the Minneapolis Joint Terrorism Task Force.  Prior to his work as a federal prosecutor, Folk served as JAG officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. 

Thomas Joscelyn

·         Mr. Thomas Joscelyn is a Senior Fellow and Executive Director of the Center for Law and Counterterrorism at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.  As a result of his extensive research and writings, he has distinguished himself as a leading terrorism expert focusing on how al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations operate around the world.  Joscelyn is senior editor of The Long War Journal.   

Tom Smith

·         Mr. Smith is Chief of Police in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Note on Coverage

The hearing will be webcast at www.homeland.house.gov.  (The webcast plays in Windows Media format and is best viewed using Internet Explorer.)

The hearing room (311 Cannon) has limited seating, and likely will not be able to accommodate all members of the media wishing to cover the hearing from the press viewing area.

Only Congressionally credentialed members of the media will be allowed access to the press viewing area in the committee hearing room and must RSVP by Monday, July 25 at 5 p.m. to the Committee on Homeland Security by calling 202-226-4570 or emailing april.corbett@mail.house.gov

Members of the media who are not Congressionally credentialed may contact their respective Galleries to apply for a temporary press credential (see numbers below).

All television crews must RSVP to the House Radio TV Gallery at 202-225-5214.

Gallery contact information:

House Radio/TV Gallery:           202-225-5214

House Periodical Gallery:          202-225-2941

House Daily Press Gallery:        202-225-3945 

Photographer Gallery:              202-224-6548

