
  • Rep. Kissell Leads Fight, Votes Against Three NAFTA/CAFTA-style Free Trade Deals
    October 12, 2011

    CONCORD, NC – Today, Representative Larry Kissell (NC-08) continued his firm opposition to the three pending Free Trade Agreements with Korea, Panama and Colombia.


    “It’s absolutely absurd that Congress would rather focus on throwing away our good American industries, rather than standing up for our small businesses and working families,” said Kissell. “These deals are bad for my district, bad for American manufacturing, and are the absolute last thing our delicate economy needs. We need to be focused on promoting a Made in America agenda, not signing our livelihood away to other countries. We’ve seen the effects of bad trade deals first-hand in North Carolina, and they’ve devastated our economy—long before our current recession. I’m appalled that our government is so eager to further sign away the industries and working families that made our nation great.”


    Kissell, co-chair of the House Textile Caucus, brought more than 27,000 signed petitions opposing the Korean trade deal from textile workers from across the United States to the House floor.  Thousands of the petitions were signed by people who live in North Carolina’s Eighth Congressional District.


    “As a former textile worker, I’ve seen bad trade deals leave behind shuttered mills and proud workers asking for nothing more than a fair shot,” added Kissell. “I have fought these trade deals at every turn, but the flaws of NAFTA and CAFTA are also present in these three, and I promised my constituents I’d stand up for their best interests. The people of my district have had enough of government deciding who makes it and who does not, and I could not support any trade agreement that creates more jobs in Korea, China and elsewhere, than right here at home.”




    Rep. Kissell Leads Fight, Votes Against Three NAFTA/CAFTA-style Free Trade Deals

  • VIDEO: Kissell Takes House Floor to Stand Up for Seniors, Oppose Ryan Budget
    April 14, 2011

    WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Larry Kissell (NC-08) took to the floor of the House of Representatives today to stand up for protecting seniors, discussing his opposition to the FY2012 budget proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.  The Ryan budget would eventually abolish the Medicare program, instead providing seniors with vouchers to use in high-cost private markets.


    “We must stand by those who have stood by us,” said Kissell. “These are the heroes. These are the stories that we know, that all of us have. Whether it’s our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles, whatever they may be, we cannot forget about them as individuals. We cannot forget about their stories, and we cannot let them become just political bargaining chips.”


    Kissell also announced plans today to introduce the “Social Security and Medicare Protection Act”, legislation Kissell will cosponsor with Republican Congressman Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania. This measure would prohibit Congress from borrowing from Medicare and Social Security trust funds, ultimately removing these two important programs from the budget line and protecting their solvency.


    “Congress must keep its hands out of the funding for these programs our seniors rely on,” said Kissell. “We must preserve and protect Medicare and Social Security. Funding for these important programs should only be used to pay benefits to retirees. We must take the livelihood of our seniors off the negotiating table and forever keep the promises we’ve made. We owe it to our seniors.”



  • Congressman Kissell Wins Another Battle for Buy American
    April 28, 2010

    Congressman Kissell successfully passed an amendment to H.R. 5013 which improves oversight of and reduces waste in the Department of Defense procurement efforts. The amendment requires the GAO to study and determine whether to extend the Berry Amendment to include items purchased by Members of the Armed Forces with the clothing cash allowance. Members of the Armed Forces are issued a clothing cash allowance, which is used to buy items that soldiers are required to have, but are not issued directly by the Department Of Defense. Such items are currently not covered under the Berry Amendment which requires they be Made in the USA. Congressman Kissell has been a staunch proponent of Buy American. The bill passed with strong bipartisan support.

  • Congressman Kissell Pays Tribute to African-American Veterans
    February 24, 2010

    Congressman Larry Kissell paid tribute to the heroic sacrifices of African-American veterans.  H. Con. Res. 238 recognizes the difficult challenges Black veterans faced when returning home after serving in the Armed Forces, their heroic military sacrifices, and their patriotism in fighting for equal rights and for the dignity of a people and a nation. The resolution, sponsored by Kissell, received unanimous bi-partisan support with a vote of 383 - 0.

  • Congressman Kissell Honors the 30th Infantry Division
    December 2, 2009

    Congressman Larry Kissell honored the distinguished history and exemplary service of the 30th Infantry Division during World War II with his vote Wednesday on H.R. 494. The resolution, authored by Kissell, received unanimous bi-partisan support with a vote of 415-0.

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