Senator Joe Lieberman
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Joe's Heroes

Senator Lieberman is pleased to honor the accomplishments of some of Connecticut's outstanding citizens, organizations, and schools.


Senator Lieberman recognized John Niekrash of Mystic as one of "Joe's Heroes" for his selfless donation of his fishing vessel to a returning Iraq veteran interested in pursuing a career on the water. John, a commercial lobsterman for 20 years, got the idea to donate his vessel, Krasher III, after attending a golf benefit in Stonington. He was inspired by the story of Master Sergeant Justin Clough who described the hardships veterans face upon returning to civilian life. John decided he wanted to make this an annual event, and with the help of Noank Shipyard which has maintained Krasher III for 17 years, established Work Vessels for Veterans.

"Providing returning veterans with a head start in establishing their civilian careers is a noble cause," Senator Lieberman said. "John's gallant donation and his efforts in helping veterans transition back to civilian life will make a difference in the lives of American heroes who have bravely served our nation."

The news of John's donation was published in two magazines in January. Marine Reservist Richard Giguere was the first to inquire about Krasher III. After meeting with Giguere, John awarded him the vessel. John and the Noank Shipyard are currently looking for a donor and qualified veteran recipient for next year's award.

Tom Pandolfi -- January 2008

Chief Neil O'Leary -- October 2007

Blanca Santana -- September 2006

Kevin's Community Clinic: Community Health Center in Newtown -- September 2006

Stars of Life: Connecticut's Outstanding EMS Professionals -- June 2006

Joan Mandzuk: CT School Nurse of the Year -- February 2006

Devine Bros, Inc. and Santa Energy, Inc.: CT Innovators in Biofuel -- January 2006

Sergeant James Walsh: Norwalk, CT Police Department -- November 2005

Cal Torres, Carmen Nieves, Angel Reyes: CT Delegates to the 6th Annual Hispanic Leadership Summit -- September 2005

Donna Swanson: Director, FOCUS Alternative Learning Center -- June 2005

Dr. Burt Saxon: Teacher of the Year for Connecticut -- May 2005

Linda Robak: Founder and Chair, For the Children-SOS -- April 2005

Mary Fetchet: Founder of Voices of September 11 -- June 2004

Edward S. Banas Sr.: Commander in Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars -- August 2003

Cammy Kaplan: Connecticut's Small Business Person of the Year -- August 2003

Claire's Corner Copia and J. Timothy's Taverne: Restaurant Neighbor Award Winners -- August 2003

The International Institute of Connecticut and Myra M. Oliver -- August 2003

Sheridan Communication and Technology Middle School: NASA Explorer School -- August 2003

Senator Lieberman Honors Our Heroes -- August 2003

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Issue Spotlight


Senators Introduce Revised Cybersecurity Legislation, S.3414

The five co-sponsors of bipartisan cybersecurity legislation introduced new, revised legislation July 19, 2012; to protect our national security, economic security, and life-sustaining services from increasingly commonplace cyber-attacks.

The co-sponsors - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Maine, Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., Select Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, D-Ca., and Federal Financial Management Subcommittee Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del. – offered the revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012 in a good faith effort to secure enough votes to address the immediate threat of attack from foreign nations, hacktivists, criminals, and terrorists against the nation’s most critical cyber systems. More information: here.