Ruppersberger Helps Open New Fire Station for MD National Guard at Martin State Airport

Previous station was more than 40-years-old and severely outdated

(Middle River, MD) - Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) today joined Major General James A. Adkins, Adjutant General, and members of the Maryland Air National Guard in opening a new state-of-the-art fire station that will benefit Martin State Airport as well as the entire surrounding Baltimore County Area.  The fire station opened at Warfield Air National Guard Base, home to more than 1,500 Air Guard members in the 175th Wing.

In addition to emergencies at the base and nearby Martin State Airport, firefighters also respond along with the Baltimore County Fire Department to incidents across the surrounding area, including hazardous spills, house fires and serious car accidents, especially on Interstate 95.  Airmen from the 175th Wing also serve on federal missions – such as the Hurricane Katrina response – and deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

The $7 million facility was funded with the help of federal dollars secured by Congressman Ruppersberger.

“Finally, the guardsmen are getting a state-of-the-art facility so they can prepare for future missions,” Congressman Ruppersberger said. “These citizen troops have answered the call to serve their country – and their local community. They deserve a top-notch facility. I was honored to be in a position to be able to help get this project rolling.”

The station houses eight fire response vehicles, 30 full-time state firefighters and 33 traditional firefighters. The station replaces a 40-year-old facility that was severely outdated with cracked walls, leaky roofs and tight quarters. In fact, the station – which had no ventilation system – was too small to house all of the fire trucks. First aid and CPR training was conducted in the bunk room.