Ruppersberger: We Will Fight For Sparrows Point

Jobs at Historical Steelmaking Facility Important to Maryland and Nation

(Washington, DC) – Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) today joined Governor Martin O’Malley, Senators Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin Cardin as well as Congressmen Elijah Cummings and John Sarbanes in issuing the following statement on the potential job losses at the Sparrows Point plant:

 “The potential loss of jobs at this facility and the negative impact that this will have on hundreds of additional workers, including the contractors and vendors that service the Sparrows Point plant, are deeply troubling. Unemployment benefits for steelworkers and their families are only temporary solutions. We need the jobs and the significant economic asset that the Sparrows Point facility represents.

“The continued success of the Sparrows Point steelmaking operation is important to Maryland and to the national economy.  We will remain closely engaged throughout this process so the workers of the Sparrows Point facility receive the straight answers they deserve.”
Congressman Ruppersberger, whose district includes Sparrows Point, said he will do everything he can to protect the employees at the facility. Last month, he wrote a letter to the new owner of the Severstal plant, asking for clarification on his intentions, which greatly affect the livelihood of the dedicated employees and their families, as well as a significant portion of the domestic steel industry in the United States.

Click here to read the letter.