Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich


Congressman Kucinich is deeply concerned about the plight of immigrants in this country, whether immigrants are joining close family members, fleeing their home countries as refugees, or coming for legal employment. He advocates for a fair and compassionate immigration policy that promotes human rights and family values. He is committed to working in a bipartisan fashion to ensure that our nation always extends a helping hand to its immigrants. Additionally, Congressman Kucinich believes that America must have in place a balanced system that carefully screens those who wish to come into the United States and admits only those who do not pose a security risk and who can contribute to our society. If you need assistance with an immigration issue, please visit the Services for You section of the website.


Defending the Rights of Legal Immigrants

Border Control

View press releases and related documents on immigration


Congressman Kucinich is a strong advocate on behalf of refugees, who flee their homelands because they fear persecution on account of their race, religion, membership in a social group, political opinion or national origin. He has sponsored several bills to make it easier for refugees, who make up 6% of all immigrants, to come to the United States. Congressman Kucinich believes that if refugees can demonstrate that they have a well-founded fear of persecution, then the United States has a moral responsibility to assist them.

Defending the Rights of Legal Immigrants

Congressman Kucinich was an original cosponsor of legislation that would prohibit the use of "secret evidence" in trials conducted by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. He believes that the cornerstone of our judicial system is that evidence cannot be used against someone unless he or she has the chance to confront it. Congressman Kucinich strives to ensure the rights of all citizens regardless of race, religion, creed, ethnic orientation, sexual orientation, disabilities or age.

In the 107th Congress, during welfare reauthorization legislation, Congressman Kucinich led efforts to restore basic benefits to legal immigrants withdrawn by the 1996 welfare reform legislation. The Congressman believes that all tax-paying, productive members of our society should be treated equally.

Border Control

In the 105th Congress, Congressman Kucinich supported a bill to assign up to 10,000 military personnel to assist in border control activities. There was a need for more Border Patrol agents to monitor the United States’ borders with Mexico and Canada. More agents would help prevent the unlawful entry of persons into this country, especially for persons who pose a security risk. This bill further allowed for military personnel to assist U.S. Customs in the inspection of cargo, vehicles, and aircraft at points of entry into the United States.

Congressman Kucinich also supported changes to the immigration bill regarding better enforcement of employer sanctions against firms that hire undocumented aliens. Many immigrants cross the border illegally or remain in the country illegally after their visas expire. Firms who illegally hire undocumented workers only encourage the practice of illegal border crossing. The bill passed in Congress and was signed into law by President Clinton.