Alaska Education Library

Following the Senate HELP Committee field hearing that I chaired at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention on October 19, 2012, I created an “Alaska Education Library” to help Alaskans share new, effective ideas that are helping to increase our students’ success, both as students and as people.  Here, you will find information from Alaskans who think outside the box and get results. 

Any Alaskan—educators, parents, or members of a school board, tribe, Native organization, the University, a state agency, or other non-profit—can e-mail a summary of their policies, methods, or innovations to AlaskaEdSuccess@Murkowski.Senate.Gov.  Those stories will then be posted here for other Alaskans to learn from and, if appropriate, replicate for their students.  Data, charts, pdf documents, links, and other formats can be accommodated.

Thank you so much for your work with Alaska’s future leaders,

Lisa Murkowski

Alaska Native Cultural Charter School

The Alaska Native Cultural Charter School, a public charter school in Anchorage, serves children from preschool through 7th grade.  The founder of the school is Martha Gould-Lehe, a veteran teacher and Alaska Native.  Through a community of engaged parents, staff, elders, and others, this Title I school was honored as a National Title 1 Distinguished School due to their rising achievement scores.

The 215 students at the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School—which include Alaska Native, Hmong, Caucasian, African American, Native Hawaiian, and Hispanic children—begin each day with a Community Gathering.  They recite the Pledge of Allegiance in English and Yup’ik and participate in a social-emotional learning presentation that is reflective of Alaska and its cultures.  Then, staff and students are recognized and celebrated.  Each Monday, an Alaska Native elder ends the gathering by talking with the children about their experiences with education.

In class, the students spend at least two hours a day on rigorous reading and writing lessons and at least an hour on math.  Students also benefit from receiving two hours a week in Yup’ik language instruction per week.  The children also participate in culturally-relevant physical education, math, and art lessons.  Each grade level focuses on a different Alaska Native subculture.  According to Principal Patsy Shaha, the students excel because of excellent, focused instruction, and because “they are being nurtured with culture."

If you would like to learn more about the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School, you can find the school’s website at

Alaska’s Progress

The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development shared data with Senator Murkowski that describes the graduation rate gaps and achievement gaps between All Students and Alaska Native/Native American students in each school district.  As you will see from the charts below, some school districts have closed, or even erased, their gaps.  While many factors influence student success and comparing one group of students with students in the following year can be flawed, there is good news happening across Alaska.  If you would like additional information about the data provided below, please contact the school district(s) directly.  Contact information can be found at

School Districts Success: Closing Graduation and Achievement Rate Gaps

All Students Compared to Alaska Native/American Indian Students