Chairman Graves Statement on Small Business Surveys

Washington, Oct 4 -

House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) today issued the following statement in response to the third quarter survey of small businesses by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber poll found that 89% say tax increases will hurt their small businesses, 83% will not hire over the next year and 23% expect to have fewer employees.

Another survey of small business owners commissioned by the nonpartisan organization Common Good, was released earlier this week revealing that 69% of small business owners believe that regulations impede their businesses, and 68% are more likely to choose to invest in technology than make a new hire.

“Small businesses shouldn’t have to be concerned that politicians are going to whack them with a tax increase or a new regulation that will harm their businesses,” Graves said. “These are the job creators who will help our economy grow again, and we should be encouraging them through tax and regulatory relief. They need certainty, so why are President Obama and Senator Harry Reid threatening tax increases and leaving them hanging? The House has voted to stop the looming tax increases and provide certainty. That’s step one.

“Next, let’s put the reins on runaway government. The federal government must stop this out-of-control surge in red tape. Small businesses can’t afford the time and money to keep up with constant new and complicated regulations. House Republicans have passed more than 30 job-creating bills that the Senate has so far ignored. House Republicans have a plan that will help small businesses hire and grow.”


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