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Congressman Jerry Nadler - New York, NY

Congressman Jerry Nadler

  1. This week’s progress in advancing the rights of LGBT Americans is undeniable. With victory for marriage equality initiatives in three states, the election of my friend Tammy Baldwin as the first openly gay U.S. Senator, the election of a r...
    ecord number of openly LGBT Members of the House, and the reelection of a President who supports the freedom of all Americans to legally marry whichever person they choose, we have made significant strides toward equality. I am elated by this progress and I look forward to returning to Congress with the knowledge that our nation is truly changing.

    I also would like to take this profound moment in our national history to challenge my colleagues in Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, governors and state legislators across the country, and people in positions of power everywhere to join our movement now. Now is the time for courageous leadership that will guide Americans toward a not-so-distant future when ALL Americans are truly equal. I urge you to join us now or you will become increasingly irrelevant, isolated, and ignored amidst an unmistakable reality. So, let us pass the Respect for Marriage Act to repeal DOMA, let us achieve marriage equality in each state, and let us declare that LGBT Americans have the same rights to love, happiness, family, and equality as all Americans – and let us do it NOW.
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  3. Next week, we return to Washington with a critical task before the end of the 112th Congress -- to avert the crisis of the "Fiscal Cliff" brought by sequestration and tax increases. I joined Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney today in releasing a detailed, must-read report on the potential impacts on New York City:
    Photo: Next week, we return to Washington with a critical task before the end of the 112th Congress -- to avert the crisis of the "Fiscal Cliff" brought by sequestration and tax increases. I joined Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney today in releasing a detailed, must-read report on the potential impacts on New York City:
  4. A nonpartisan coalition of civic-minded groups in New York has just launched an excellent new project -- Who's On The Ballot -- with extensive info on tomorrow's critical elections. It will also contain updated info on NYC poll-site changes:
  5. We are still working in earnest to fix major problems with power, water & heat in Coney Island and Manhattan buildings, especially in NYCHA buildings and Mitchell-Lamas.

    Volunteers are still very much needed today in Coney Island. Rescue efforts are based at 2770 West 5th Street near Neptune Avenue, Room 4V, in Warbasse Houses.
  6. Updated Food and Water distribution sites throughout New York City. New sites in Lower Manhattan today:
  7. Volunteers needed at 12 noon today in Greenwich Village to help pass out Food and Water -- 3 Washington Square Village, entrance on Bleecker Street between LaGuardia and Mercer. Thank you!
  8. My office has put together an important list of federal and other government resources, especially FEMA assistance, for those people and small businesses in need after Sandy:
  9. Today, Thursday, from 3pm to 6pm in locations around the city, a partnership of City, State and Federal offices, including the National Guard, will DISTRIBUTE FREE FOOD AND WATER to New Yorkers in need of emergency provisions. Please spread the word. In and near my district, distribution locations are as follows:

    -Coney Island: Surf Ave Playground – W 25th St and Surf Ave

    -Red Hook: Coffey Park ...
    – 85 Richards Street

    -Chelsea: Chelsea Park – W 27th St btw 9th and 10th Ave

    -Lower East Side: 1) Confucius Plaza – Central Plaza on Division St; 2) Vladic Playground – E 10th St. btw C & D Ave; 3) Al Smith Playground – Catherine St btw Cherry and Monroe St; 4) Hamilton Fish – Pitt St and E Houston St; 5) Grand St Settlement – Corner of Stanton and Pitt St (water only)
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  10. After a comprehensive tour of the district yesterday in both Manhattan and Brooklyn, I am truly speechless. My staff and I will continue to work to ensure that people are connected to resources and help where they need it.
  11. Hurricane Sandy has hit NYC hard, and will complicate life in our region for the days to come. I am very grateful to our local responders and laborers, who are doing a tremendous job on emergency response. I will work to ensure that the fed...
    eral government allocates immediate and sufficient funds through FEMA and other sources to repair the billions of dollars in damage. I urge everyone to follow instructions from local officials, to continue to be safe and patient for recovery efforts, and to help others in need.
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