Homeland Security Transportation Security Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on TSA Reform

Washington, D.C. – The Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation Security, chaired by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), will hold a hearing entitled “Eleven Years After 9/11 Can TSA Evolve To Meet the Next Terrorist Threat?” today at 2 p.m. in 311 Cannon House Office Building.

Monday, the Subcommittee released a report entitled “Rebuilding TSA into a Smarter, Leaner Organization,” which outlines the Subcommittee’s findings and recommendations to help TSA become a more effective and efficient organization. 

Today’s hearing will discuss the report’s findings and provide Members the opportunity to hear from key policy experts, stakeholders and TSA leadership on what additional steps TSA can take in order to better meet ever-evolving terrorist threats while ensuring that the agency strives to meet the needs of the traveling public.

Rogers said: "This hearing will help lay the groundwork for reforming TSA into a smarter, leaner organization. Since TSA's creation after the devastating terrorist attacks of 9/11, TSA has gone down a troubling path of overspending, limiting private sector engagement, and failing to sufficiently protect  passenger privacy. At the hearing, our Members will shine a bright light on TSA and identify opportunities for meaningful change."

WHAT:       Subcommittee Hearing: Eleven Years After 9/11 Can TSA Evolve To Meet the Next Terrorist Threat?

WHEN:       2 p.m., Tuesday, September 11, 2012

WHERE:     311 Cannon House Office Building

                   **Live video feed will be available HERE

Opening statements, witness testimony, and the live video feed will be available HERE.

Witness List:

Panel I

Mr. Geoff Freeman
Chief Operating Officer
U.S. Travel Association

Dr. James Jay Carafano, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
The Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies
Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies
The Heritage Foundation

Mr. Sam Gilliland
Chief Executive Officer
Sabre Holdings

Panel II

Mr. John Halinski
Deputy Administrator
Transportation Security Administration
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Stephen Lord
Homeland Security and Justice Issues
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
