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This is a list of publications generated by the Program and NDIIPP partners during their NDIIPP-sponsored projects. By making this list available, the Library encourages NDIIPP partners and others in the preservation community to share in, and take advantage of, the work and resources of our partners.


Who’s Minding the (Data) Store? Results of the NDSA Digital Preservation Staffing Survey Poster (2012)

A poster presented by the NDSA Standards and Practices Working group at the iPres 2012 conference.
Who’s Minding the (Data) Store? Results of the NDSA Digital Preservation Staffing Survey Poster (PDF)

Multi‐State Demonstration Project for Preservation of State Government Digital Information: Final Report (2012)

The Multi-State Preservation Consortium project explored the development of a demonstration project to develop a digital archive that could be used as a blueprint to help states to implement a least-cost, efficient and proven archival system. This final report documents the project goals and results.
Multi‐State Demonstration Project for Preservation of State Government Digital Information: Final Report (PDF)

Persistent Digital Archives and Library System: Final project report to the Library of Congress (2012)

The project explored the development of a curatorial rationale to support an automated workflow to process collections of digital publications and records, examined the practicality of Stanford University’s LOCKSS, or Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe, storage networks, and worked at building a community of shared practice among its partner states in the hopes that shared software development and best practices would foster a system that could be applied to a variety of repositories. This final report documents the project goals and results.
Persistent Digital Archives and Library System: Final project report to the Library of Congress (PDF)

States of Sustainability:A Review of State Projects funded by the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) (2012)

A report produced for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program by Christopher A. Lee of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The report summarizes findings of a review of the NDIIPP state projects, including an analysis of project deliverables and documentation, individual engagement with project participants at conferences and professional events, visits to the lead partner sites for all four projects, and monitoring of project activities and announcements.
States of Sustainability:A Review of State Projects funded by the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) (PDF)

Minnesota Historical Society Preserving State Government Digital Information NDIIPP Final Report

The Model Technological and Social Architecture for the Preservation of State Government Digital Information project developed options for multi-state collaboration in accessing and preserving digital legislative data. This final report of the project presents an array of options for managing digital legislative information in the context of a fluid technological environment and severely stressed state budgets.
Minnesota Historical Society Preserving State Government Digital Information NDIIPP Final Report (2012) (PDF)


Geospatial Multistate Archive and Preservation Partnership (GeoMAPP) Final Report: 2007-2011

GeoMAPP was formed in 2007 to address the challenges associated with identifying, preserving and providing long-term access to temporally significant digital geospatial content in state and local governments; dynamic data that is at-risk of being lost when updates are made. This final report provides a state-of-the-landscape overview of geoarchiving efforts and offers guidance for future work.
Geospatial Multistate Archive and Preservation Partnership (GeoMAPP) Final Report: 2007-2011 (2011) (PDF)

Preserving News in the Digital Environment: Mapping the Newspaper Industry in Transition (2011)

A report produced for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program by a team from the Center for Research Libraries, it provides a glimpse inside the workplaces that produce what--in the analog age--we would have called newspapers
Preserving News in the Digital Environment: Mapping the Newspaper Industry in Transition

Preserving Our Digital Heritage: The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program 2010 Report (2011)

A report that documents the achievements of the Library of Congress and its NDIIPP partners working together to create sustainable long-term access to digital materials since 2000.
Preserving Our Digital Heritage: The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program 2010 Report

MetaArchive Cooperative Charter (2011)

A 2011 update to the charter and supporting documents describing the purposes and aims of the MetaArchive Cooperative, an association dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage materials that are digital in nature and form.
MetaArchive Cooperative Charter (external link) (PDF, 133KB)
MetaArchive Technical Specifications (external link) (PDF, 65KB)
MetaArchive Membership Agreement (external link) (PDF, 62KB)



NCGDAP Final Report (2010)

A comprehensive final report from the North Carolina Geospatial Archiving Project.
NCGDAP Final Report (PDF, 253KB)

Preserving Virtual Worlds Final Report (2010)

A comprehensive final report from the Preserving Virtual Worlds Project. The project investigated issues surrounding the preservation of video games and interactive fiction through a series of case studies of games and literature from various periods in computing history.
Preserving Virtual Worlds Final Report (external link) (PDF, 21.94MB)

GeoMAPP Interim Report 2007-2009 (2010)

A comprehensive interim report from Geospatial Multistate Archive and Preservation Project on their first two years of work.
GeoMAPP Interim Report 2007-2009 (PDF, 2.01MB)

Intellectual Property and Copyright Issues Relating to the Preservation and Future Accessibility of Digital Public Television Programs (2010)

A report from the Preserving Digital Public Television Project.
Intellectual Property and Copyright Issues Relating to the Preservation and Future Accessibility of Digital Public Television Programs (PDF, 399 KB)

Strategies for Sustainable Preservation of Born Digital Public Television (2010)

A report from the Sustainability Working Group of the Preserving Digital Public Television Project.
Strategies for Sustainable Preservation of Born Digital Public Television (external link) (PDF, 2.75MB)


Why Web Sites are Lost (and How They're Sometimes Found) (2009)

Article from the Communications of the ACM, Volume 52, Issue 11 (November 2009) by Michael Nelson of the Tools for a Preservation-Ready Web project, in collaboration with Catherine C. Marshall of Microsoft and Frank McCown of Harding Universy. This is a link to a pre-print version of the article.
Why Web Sites are Lost (and How They're Sometimes Found) (external link) (PDF, 149KB)

21st Century Shipping: Network Data Transfer to the Library of Congress (2009)

A paper written by Library of Congress Digital Media Project Coordinator Mike Ashenfelder published in the July/August 2009 issue of D-Lib.
21st Century Shipping: Network Data Transfer to the Library of Congress (external link)

Preserving Digital Public Television: Is There Life After Broadcasting? (2009)

A paper published by Nan Rubin of the Preserving Digital Public Television Project in the published in International Preservation News, No. 47, May 2009
Preserving Digital Public Television: Is There Life After Broadcasting? (2009) (PDF, 1.50MB)

Identifying and Implementing Modular Repository Services: Transfer and Inventory (2009)

A paper presented by Library of Congress Digital Media Project Coordinator Leslie Johnston at the DigCCurr2009 conference.
Identifying and Implementing Modular Repository Services: Transfer and Inventory (PDF, 66.5KB)

FGDC and Dublin Core Metadata Comparison (2009)

A document out of the GeoMapp project that compares two different types of metadata standards, FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) and Dublin Core, for the purpose of data discovery and preservation. The report concludes with a simplified model listing the optimal metadata of the FGDC Standard and Dublin Core combined.
FGDC and Dublin Core Metadata Comparison (external link) (PDF, 154KB)

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Got Data? A Guide to Data Preservation in the Information Age (2008)

An article by Fran Berman from the San Diego Supercomputer Center from the 12/08 vol. 51, no. 12 issue of the Communications of the ACM. The article discusses tools to help practitioners survive the data deluge.
Got Data? A Guide to Data Preservation in the Information Age (external link) (PDF, 6.16MB)

Creating Trust Relationships for Distributed Digital Preservation Federations (2008)

A paper presented at the iPres 2008 conference from Tyler O. Walters of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the MetaArchive project, and Robert H. McDonald of Indiana University. The authors outline a model for digital preservation federation based upon several existing models including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank regional governance model and its similarities to successful large-scale redundant internet networks.
Creating Trust Relationships for Distributed Digital Preservation Federations (external link) (PDF, 190KB)

Planning for the "Long Term"… Library Time (2008)

A paper by NDIIPP Director of Program Management Martha Anderson and Library of Congress Information Technology Specialist Jane Mandelbaum presented at Digital Archive Preservation and Sustainability (DAPS) Workshop, held in conjunction with the 2008 MSST2008 25th IEEE Symposium on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies.
Planning for the "Long Term"…in Library Time (PDF, 75KB)

The LEADS Database at ICPSR: Identifying Important "At Risk" Social Science Data (2008)

Roundtable paper presentation from Data-PASS project members at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2008, Boston, MA.
The LEADS Database at ICPSR: Identifying Important "At Risk" Social Science Data (external link) (PDF, 71KB)

A Quantitative Evaluation of Dissemination-Time Preservation Metadata (2008)

A paper presented at ECDL 2008 by the from the Tools for a Preservation Ready Web project. The paper explores a digital preservation model that takes advantage of a site’s own web server to prepare its resources for preservation.
A Quantitative Evaluation of Dissemination-Time Preservation Metadata (external link) (PDF, 322KB)

"What? So What?" The Next-generation JHOVE2 Architecture for Format-aware Characterization (2008)

A paper by JHOVE2 project participants Stephen Abrams, Evan Owens, and Tom Cramer at iPRES 2008: The Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, British Library, London, September 29-30, 2008. The paper describes the goals, processes, deliverables, and schedule for the JHOVE2 project.
"What? So What?" The Next-generation JHOVE2 Architecture for Format-aware Characterization (external link) (PDF, 184KB)

Integrating Preservation Functions Into the Web Server (2008)

A PHD dissertation completed by Tools for a Preservation Ready Web project participant Joan Smith.
Integrating Preservation Functions Into the Web Server (external link) (PDF, 4.4MB)

Evolving a Network of Networks: The Experience of Partnerships in the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (2008)

An article by NDIIPP Director of Program Management Martha Anderson from the International Journal of Digital Curation, Issue 1, Volume 3, 2008.
Evolving a Network of Networks (external link) (PDF, 394KB)

International Study on the Impact of Copyright Law on Digital Preservation (2008)

This study focuses on the copyright and related laws of Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States and the impact of those laws on digital preservation of copyrighted works. It also addresses proposals for legislative reform and efforts to develop non-legislative solutions to the challenges that copyright law presents for digital preservation.
International Study on the Impact of Copyright Law on Digital Preservation (PDF, 1.58MB)

An Investigation Into Metadata for Long-Lived Geospatial Data Formats (2008)

A Library Trends journal pre-publication article by NGDA project members Nancy Hoebelheinrich and John Banning from the Stanford University Libraries.
An Investigation Into Metadata for Long-Lived Geospatial Data Formats (.doc, 394KB)

The National Geospatial Digital Archive - Collection Development: lessons learned (2008)

An article prepared for the 2008 NDIIPP partners meeting by NGDA project members Tracey Erwin and Julie Sweetkind-Singer from the Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map Collections, Stanford University; and Mary Lynette Larsgaard, Director, Map Library, University of California, Santa Barbara.
The National Geospatial Digital Archive - Collection Development: lessons learned (.doc, 171KB)

Site Design Impact on Robots: An Examination of Search Engine Crawler Behavior at Deep and Wide Websites (2008)

An article from the March/April issue of D-Lib Magazine from the Tools for a Preservation Ready Web project. The project created a series of live websites, two dot-com sites and two dot-edu sites, then analyzed the logs of the sites for a full year to ascertain how different search engines dealt with the "depth" or "width" of the site.
Site Design Impact on Robots (external link)

North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project (NCGDAP) Interim Report (2008)

Detailed interim report from the NCGDAP project, which is pursuing the preservation of state and local digital geospatial data as part of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program.
North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project (NCGDAP) Interim Report (external link) (PDF, 3.19MB)

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Data Center for Library of Congress Digital Holdings: A Pilot Project (2007)

Between May 2006 and October 2007, the Library of Congress and the San Diego Supercomputer Center conducted data-transfer and storage tests to test the trustworthiness of off-site storage of the Library’s digital materials.
Data Center for Library of Congress Digital Holdings: A Pilot Project (PDF, 1.4MB)

How Safe is Safe Enough when we Preserve Social Science Data? (2007)

A paper presented by Data-PASS project participants at the Third International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, MI.
How Safe is Safe Enough when we Preserve Social Science Data? (external link) (PDF, 53KB)

Developing Partnerships in the Social Sciences: Data Archives and Private Research Organizations (2007)

A paper presented by Data-PASS project participants at the Third International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, MI.
Developing Partnerships in the Social Sciences: Data Archives and Private Research Organizations (external link) (PDF, 87KB)

Digital Curation at the Library of Congress: Lessons Learned from American Memory and the Archive Ingest and Handling Test (2007)

A DigCCurr2007 conference paper that discusses the findings and conclusions of an analyses of American Memory at the Library of Congress, and the donated digital archive as they pertain to digital curation. The paper suggests opportunities for digital curation curriculum development.
Digital Curation at the Library of Congress: Lessons Learned from American Memory and the Archive Ingest and Handling Test

North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project (NCGDAP) Curation and Preservation of Complex Data Report (2007)

A paper presented at the DigCCurr2007 conference by Jim Tuttle and Steve Morris from the NCGDAP project.
North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project (NCGDAP) Curation and Preservation of Complex Data Report (PDF, 172KB)

Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences: A Model for Collaboration (2007)

A paper presented by Data-PASS project participants at the DigCCurr2007 conference.
Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences: A Model for Collaboration (external link) (PDF, 542KB)

Data Center for Library of Congress Digital Holdings: A Pilot Project (2007)

Between May 2006 and October 2007, the Library of Congress and the San Diego Supercomputer Center conducted data-transfer and storage tests to test the trustworthiness of off-site storage of the Library’s digital materials.
Data Center for Library of Congress Digital Holdings: A Pilot Project (PDF, 1.4 MB)

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Recommended Appraisal Guidelines For Selecting Born-Digital Master Programs for Preservation and Deposit with the Library of Congress (2006)

A paper prepared by Mary Ide and Leah Weisse of the WGBH archives for the Preserving Digital Public Television Project.
Recommended Appraisal Guidelines For Selecting Born-Digital Master Programs for Preservation and Deposit with the Library of Congress (external link) (PDF, 463KB)

Repository Software Evaluation using the Audit Checklist for Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories (2006)

A paper presented at JCDL 2006 from EchoDEP project members Joanne Kaczmarek, Thomas Habing and Janet Eke.
Repository Software Evaluation using the Audit Checklist for Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories (PDF, 20KB)

Lazy preservation: Reconstructing Websites by Crawling the Crawlers (2006)

A paper presented at the Eighth ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management, November 2006 by the Tools for a Preservation Ready Web project. The paper explores the project's concept of "lazy preservation"; digital preservation performed as a result of the normal operation of web crawlers and caches.
Lazy preservation: Reconstructing Websites by Crawling the Crawlers (external link)

Metadata Enrichment for Digital Preservation (2006)

A paper presented by EchoDEP project members at Extreme Markup Languages 2006 in Montreal.
Metadata Enrichment for Digital Preservation (PDF, 313KB)

Building Relationships: "A Foundation for Digital Archives" (2006)

A paper presented by Data-PASS project members at JCDL 2006.
Building Relationships: "A Foundation for Digital Archives" (external link) (PDF, 31KB)

North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project (NCGDAP) Frequency of Geospatial Data Capture Survey Report (2006)

The objective of the NCGDAP project survey was to document current practices among county and municipal GIS practitioners in North Carolina relating to the frequency of capture of geospatial data for purposes of long-term retention.
North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project (NCGDAP) Frequency of Geospatial Data Capture Survey Report (external link) (PDF, 229KB)
Frequency of Geospatial Data Capture Survey Questions (external link) (PDF, 136KB)

Web-at-Risk Project Collection Planning Guidelines (2006)

Web-at-Risk project collection plans describing the activities necessary to create and manage a collection of materials. Prepared by Kathleen R. Murray and Inga K. Hsieh from the University of North Texas.
Web-at-Risk Project Collection Planning Guidelines (PDF, 488KB)

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Preservation of State Government Digital Information: Issues and Opportunities Report (2005)

A report presenting findings gathered from three states workshops held in 2005. This report is an important part of the exploration regarding potential involvement of the states within the scope of NDIIPP.
Preservation of State Government Digital Information: Issues and Opportunities Report (PDF, 8.7MB)

The Archive Ingest and Handling Test (AIHT) Overall Final Report (2005)

A report documenting the development, administration and conclusions from the Archive Ingest and Handling Test (AIHT), a multiparty test of various digital preservation regimes. It describes the genesis of NDIIPP and of the AIHT; details the phases of the AIHT; documents lessons learned during the test; and suggests possible fruitful areas of future work.
The Archive Ingest and Handling Test (AIHT) Overall Final Report (PDF, 552KB)

The Archive Ingest and Handling Test (AIHT) Support Documents (2005)

Preserving Digital Public Television Best Practices Survey (Draft 1)(2005)

A background research paper from the Preserving Digital Public Television project exploring the best practices of other television and moving-image archives to inform their planning on policies for selection and acceptance of materials; user communities; information relevant to digital storage; and general advice on archiving television programs.
Preserving Digital Public Television Best Practices Survey (Draft 1) (PDF, 102KB)

Building Preservation Partnerships: The Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (2005)

An article by William Lefurgy, Digital Initiatives Project Manager, Library of Congress Office of Strategic Initiatives. The article was written for an issue of Library Trends, titled "Digital Preservation," edited by Deborah Woodyard-Robinson, volume 54 number 1, Summer 2005.
Building Preservation Partnerships: The Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (PDF, 130KB)

An Arizona Model for Preservation and Access of Web Documents (2005)

A paper from EchoDEP project participants Richard Pearce-Moses and Joanne Kaczmarek, originally published in DttP: Documents to the People 33:1 (Spring 2005).
An Arizona Model for Preservation and Access of Web Documents (PDF, 108KB)

A Standards-based Solution for the Accurate Transfer of Digital Assets (2005)

A paper from LANL project participants Jeroen Bekaert and Herbert Van de Sompel which appeared in the June 2005 issue of D-Lib Magazine. The article describes the results of a collaboration between the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the American Physical Society (APS) aimed at designing and implementing a robust solution for the recurrent transfer of digital assets from the APS collection to LANL.
A Standards-based Solution for the Accurate Transfer of Digital Assets (external link)

Representing Digital Assets using MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration (2005)

A paper from LANL project participants Jeroen Bekaert and Herbert Van de Sompel. The article gives a brief insight into the MPEG-21 standardization effort, highlights the major characteristics of the MPEG-21 DID Abstract Model, and describes the MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration Language (MPEG-21 DIDL), an XML syntax for the representation of digital assets based on the MPEG-21 DID Abstract Model.
Representing Digital Assets using MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration (external link)

ECHO DEPository Project (2005)

A paper presented at IS&T's 2005 Archiving Conference in Washington, DC by EchoDEP project participants Judy Cobb, Richard Pearce-Moses and Taylor Surface.
ECHO DEPository Project (PDF, 111KB)

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The Selection, Appraisal, and Retention of Digital Social Science Data (2004)

A paper from Data-PASS project members published in Data Science Journal, Volume 3, 30 December 2004.
The Selection, Appraisal, and Retention of Digital Social Science Data (external link) (PDF, 216KB)


It's About Time: Research Challenges in Digital Archiving and Long-term Preservation (2003)

The Library of Congress and the National Science Foundation hosted a workshop April 12-13, 2002 to identify specific research challenges associated with the long-term preservation of digital content. As detailed in the published report, the workshop identified a number of priority areas for research into new models, methodologies and tools for digital preservation. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Library of Congress.
It's About Time: Research Challenges in Digital Archiving and Long-term Preservation (PDF, 15.9MB)

Version 0.2 of the Technical Architecture for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (2003)

A document that outlines the state of thinking (circa 2003) on the Technical Architecture for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP), following a period of review from April to July 2003.
Version 0.2 of the Technical Architecture for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (PDF, 1.5MB)

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Plan for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (2002)

"Preserving Our Digital Heritage: Plan for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program" is in two parts. Part 1 provides an Executive Summary and details of the national plan for preserving digital materials. First printing October 2002.
Preserving Our Digital Heritage, Part 1 (PDF, 3.1MB)

Part 2, the Appendices, offers important background and supplementary materials. These diverse Appendices illustrate the planning process and provide a rationale for the Plan's recommendations. First printing October 2002
Preserving Our Digital Heritage, Appendices (PDF, 16.9MB)

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