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2013 Inauguration Ticket Requests

Thank you for your interest in tickets for the 2013 Inaugural Swearing-In at the U.S. Capitol on Monday, January 21, 2013. This is a time for our country to celebrate our democratic process and our strength as a nation.

If you would like to attend the public swearing-in event, please fill in the form below. Although we cannot guarantee tickets, we will do our best to accommodate your request. Our office is provided with a limited number of tickets by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Please note that my office cannot provide tickets to private inauguration events such as the balls, etc.

Tickets for the public swearing-in are standing room tickets, located behind the barricade (behind the scaffolding as seen in the picture to the right), and are available only to First Congressional District residents. If any member of your group resides in another congressional district, they will need to contact their Member of Congress to request a ticket.

Our office needs to be informed about each ticket being requested, including the full name, address, phone number and e-mail address for each individual. Once a ticket request is submitted, you will be contacted to provide the necessary information. To help make the process easier, please submit only ONE REQUEST per group. If groups do not identify themselves, there is no way to ensure that each member receives a ticket in the same area.

If you have any questions about the information needed, please contact my office at 202-225-2216 or 513-684-2723. For more information on the Presidential Inauguration, you may visit the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Web site.

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