Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich

  • Kucinich Secures 122 Signatures In Effort To Move Steel Legislation To House Floor
    Dec 20, 2001  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) continues his efforts to bring steel legislation to the House floor and currently has the support of 122 his colleagues in a discharge petition to move the legislation forward. "The future of the American steel industry is vital not only to the economic stability o... More
  • Congressman Dennis Kucinich's Steel News From Washington, DC
    Dec 19, 2001  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) citing the importance and movement on steel news today announced these developments to save the American steel industry. Kucinich said H.R. 808, the Steel Revitalization Act of 2001 is moving toward action on the House floor. Kucinich said Members are today beginni... More
  • Kucinich Attorneys to File Brief Protecting LTV Employee & Retiree Benefits
    Dec 19, 2001  - On Wednesday, December 19th, attorneys for Congressmen Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) will file a brief in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Youngstown, Ohio asking the court to extend medical coverage and supplemental unemployment benefits to employees and retirees of LTV for as long as LTV is required to maint... More
  • Kucinich Concerned That Medicare+Choice Plans Don't Service Seniors Medical Needs
    Dec 14, 2001  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), recently cosponsored legislation to guarantee seniors access to medical plans when their Medicare HMO reduces services, raises costs or drops their doctors or hospital from the plan. "Seniors are more susceptible to changes in their health than any other age group... More
  • Kucinich Recognizes Steelworkers March on Washington
    Dec 12, 2001  - This morning Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives about the future of U.S. steel and the plight of thousands of steelworkers who have helped secure the defense of our nation. Below is his floor speech. Today steelworkers from across the United St... More
  • Kucinich Concerned About Future of U.S. Participation In ABM Treaty
    Dec 11, 2001  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), ranking Democrat on the Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs and International Relations has written to President Bush urging him to reconsider his decision to withdraw the United States from the 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile treaty.... More
  • Kucinich Opposes Fast Track, Says Bad for American Taxpayers and Democracy
    Dec 6, 2001  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) recently spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives against Fast Track legislation, saying fast track is a barrier to American jobs, such as the 3200 jobs at LTV Steel in Cleveland. Following are his remarks on fast track: I rise to oppose fast track.... More
  • Kucinich Comments on LTV Agreement Reached This Afternoon
    Dec 6, 2001  - This agreement marks a new, more urgent phase in our community's efforts to save LTV Steel. The steelworkers have gained an additional month of time, beyond the 60-day commitment in the Asset Protection Plan, for a "hot-idle" of the mills. This victory comes about only because of the tremendous outp... More
  • Kucinich Says Cleveland Projects Big Winners in Transportation FY '02 Bill Approved Friday
    Nov 30, 2001  - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today said the Transportation Appropriations Conference report approved this morning in the U.S. House of Representatives includes several million dollars in funding for Cleveland transportation projects. "I'm very pleased that so many projects which benefit Cleve... More
  • Statement of Congressman Dennis Kucinich on Victory in Bankruptcy Court for Cleveland Steelworkers
    Nov 29, 2001  - I want to thank Judge Randolph Baxter for hearing our motion for a temporary restraining order against LTV Steel. The Stipulation and Agreed Standstill Order reached this afternoon by all parties puts a halt to any shutdown at LTV Steel pending the bankruptcy hearing in Judge William Bodoh's courtro... More