
The federal government has failed when it comes to immigration. Our immigration system is broken and in desperate need of being fixed. My first priority for any immigration reform legislation is to make sure our borders are secure. I recently opposed the DREAM Act as a stand-alone bill for this reason.  In addition to protecting the border, we also need to reform the bureaucracy to produce a fair and efficient immigration agency that encourages compliance with and respect for our laws so that those who wish to come to the United States legally are able to do so in a timely and appropriate manner. A working immigration system would protect Americans from terrorists, criminals and drug dealers while letting law-abiding individuals come to the United States legally in a matter of weeks not years or decades.

To make sure we are able to continue building strong communities in Kansas and across the country, I support making English the official language of the United States. A common language will help unite new citizens with other Americans so that we can work together to see good things happen in the places we call home.