Senator Joe Lieberman



Connecticut Post


By Maggie Gordon

STAMFORD -- Stamford native Sen. Joe Lieberman returned to his hometown Wednesday morning to bestow a Joe's Hero award upon Curt Welling, the CEO of AmeriCares, the global health and disaster-relief organization headquartered on Hamilton Avenue.

Lieberman said Wednesday morning he has doled out 50 to 75 of the awards throughout his senatorial career, which he will wrap up in January, after serving 24 years. He said Welling and AmeriCares express the best that America has to offer the world at large.

"There are a lot of heroes in this state that don't receive recognition as heroes. They're just in their own quiet way doing extraordinarily good work in a whole host of ways," he said in the nonprofit's board room, surrounded by dozens of AmeriCares employees.

"I have found myself in the last several months, as I see the end of this chapter of my life approaching, giving this award more frequently, as an expression of gratitude and pride. I can't think of any group that deserves both the attention and the expression of gratitude more in this state than the organization AmeriCares, because this is an extraordinary program that so brilliantly expresses the best of American values," he said.

AmeriCares, a 30-year-old company, has distributed more than $10 billion in humanitarian aid and medical supplies to more than 160 countries.

In addition to helping with everything from droughts, hurricanes and other natural disasters and health epidemics, Lieberman also spoke of a personal connection to the nonprofit -- it is down the street from where the liquor store his father ran when Lieberman was a young boy once stood.

Long before AmeriCares existed, purchases made by employees of previous businesses at the Hamilton Avenue location helped fund the beginning of the American dream for a Stamford High School student whose parents had never made it to college, he said.

But that's nothing compared to the wide-reaching work orchestrated by AmeriCares employees these days.

"In the last year, we've responded to 24 emergencies in 18 countries around the world and we've provided medicine and other emergency aid," said Garrett Ingoglia, director of emergency response for AmeriCares, noting the nonprofit has been especially busy in the last six months.

Ingoglia spoke of the nonprofit's effort to provide medicine to treat about 20,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan and a recent campaign sending aid to Sierra Leone in response to a cholera outbreak. Other AmeriCares team members detailed recent trips to Guatemala and the effort to host free clinics in the non-profit's backyard.

"I appreciate what you're doing for the Syrian refugees," Lieberman said. "The fact that AmeriCares is there as a humanitarian organization that's universal and global -- but it is AmeriCares -- I think in a way, you're helping to make sure that in the day that will come hopefully sooner than later, when the people assume control of their own destiny and take it from the dictator, that they'll remember that there was an organization that provided basic assistance when they needed it, and I appreciate that very much."

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Issue Spotlight


Senators Introduce Revised Cybersecurity Legislation, S.3414

The five co-sponsors of bipartisan cybersecurity legislation introduced new, revised legislation July 19, 2012; to protect our national security, economic security, and life-sustaining services from increasingly commonplace cyber-attacks.

The co-sponsors - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Maine, Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., Select Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, D-Ca., and Federal Financial Management Subcommittee Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del. – offered the revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012 in a good faith effort to secure enough votes to address the immediate threat of attack from foreign nations, hacktivists, criminals, and terrorists against the nation’s most critical cyber systems. More information: here.

Watch Senator Lieberman's Recent Floor Speech About Cybersecurity


The "Fiscal Cliff"

There are several major tax and spending policy changes set take effect under current law at end of 2012 or early in 2013, collectively referred to by some as the "fiscal cliff." These tax provisions include the expiration of the "Bush tax cuts" and the Social Security payroll tax rate reduction. Major spending changes include the expiration of certain extended unemployment benefits, reductions to Medicare payments to physicians, and the automatic spending cuts enacted as part of the Budget Control Act of 2011. Congress likely will consider the benefits of deficit reduction against the potential implications of fiscal policy choices for the ongoing economic recovery. In addition, Congress likely will debate other policies not directly related to the fiscal cliff, including another debt limit increase and FY2013 appropriations bills.


Read Senator Lieberman's Recent WSJ Op-Ed About the Fiscal Cliff