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America’s Looming Debt Crisis

America has a spending problem, and we are living on borrowed money. Last week, the Treasury Department announced that the U.S. will hit the $16.4 trillion dollar borrowing limit by…

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e-Newsletter: Rep. Culberson Cosponsors Federal Election Integrity Act

Voting in America is a sacred right, and we take great pride in having an orderly election process that is free from the violence that disrupts elections in so many…

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Information About The 2013 Inaugural Parade

The preparations for the fifty-third Presidential Inauguration are already underway in Washington. The ceremonies at the Capitol are coordinated by the bipartisan Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, while the…

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Los Angeles Times: Just a Scoop of Dirt, but NASA’s Celebrating Big-Time

Just a scoop of dirt, but NASA’s celebrating big-time

By Amy Hubbard

October 8, 2012, 12:29 p.m.

It was just a scoop of dirt, but NASA scientists applauded more loudly than they had since the Curiosity…

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Despite Small Gains, Millions Remain Out of Work

With over 23 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, today’s jobs report that the economy added 104,000 private sector jobs in September is bittersweet news. High unemployment rates have become the…

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