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Working for Valley Business

The San Fernando Valley economy remains vibrant and robust.  At the heart of our economic success lies the growth and expansion of small businesses.  Small businesses fuel our local economy providing innovation and job growth in the San Fernando Valley.

In 2004, the private sector added 12,000 new jobs in the San Fernando Valley.  Our local economy relies on the continued success of key sectors and industries such as construction, information technology, entertainment, retail, health care, and manufacturing.  All are driven by countless small businesses and their dedicated employees.

The entrepreneurial sprit in the San Fernando Valley is alive and well, making it a fantastic place to start a new business and create new employment opportunities for our local workers.  As �America�s First Suburb�, the growth of small business is essential to the prosperity that the San Fernando Valley continues to enjoy.  The San Fernando Valley has been home to a number of small businesses that have flourished into large companies.  Supporting these new businesses is critical to the continued growth and success of our region.

Whether you are starting or expanding a business domestically or abroad, one of the most important things that our office does is to assist Valley businesses.  We can provide information about the various federal agencies that assist with small business and entrepreneurial development along with resources on business regulations, financing, government contracting, programs for minority-owned businesses, strategic assistance, export assistance and overseas investment opportunities.

For instance, the U.S. Small Business Administration offers a variety of loan guaranty programs, in addition to counseling and training for anyone interested in starting or expanding a business.  The U.S. Commercial Service, a part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, helps companies learn how to export their products overseas, from researching potential markets to finding and developing trade contacts to conducting international trade transactions.  They can help the exporter avoid the potential pitfalls of exporting, such as entering the wrong markets, misunderstanding how to conduct international trade transactions, and being subjected to the misappropriation of one�s intellectual property.

Our office also can provide information on how to sell products and services to the federal government.  If you have a product or service to sell, chances are it's probably something that the government buys.  As the federal government�s purchasing agency, the U.S. General Services Administration contracts with private businesses to supply everything from pens to computers to lawn and garden equipment. It contracts for services ranging from landscaping to building renovation to architectural and engineering projects.

In addition to providing information about federal business assistance programs, we can advocate on your behalf to request prompt action on your proposal or to ensure that it receives full consideration.  If necessary, we can request that your proposal receive a higher level review.  Please contact our office to request our Help for Businesses guide, which provides an overview of the types of services offered by federal agencies concerning businesses.  We can also provide you with the Small Business Resource, an excellent guide published by the Small Business Administration�s Los Angeles District Office.  Please contact our San Fernando Valley Office at (818) 501-9200 for these publications, or for further information.

I will continue to work for small businesses by providing them the tools necessary to succeed and to pursue the entrepreneurial spirit that energizes the economy in the San Fernando Valley.


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