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House History

Democratic Caucus Chairmen

(1849 to Present)

The House Democratic Caucus Chairman presides over caucus meetings, which are composed of all members of the Democratic party. The chair is elected by the caucus, and is limited to two consecutive full terms. A list of House Democratic Chairman from 1849 to present is presented below.

The House Democratic Caucus serves as the organizational forum to elect party leaders at the outset of each new Congress. The caucus meets on a weekly basis to discuss party policy,  pending legislative issues, and other matters of mutual concern. Further information on the caucus'  current activities is available on the House Democratic Caucus Web site.

Congress Name State Years of Service
31st James Thompson Pennsylvania 1849-1851
32nd n/a1 ......... 1851-1853
33rd Edson B. Olds Ohio 1853-1855
34th George W. Jones Tennessee 1855-1857
35th n/a2 ......... 1857-1859
36th George S. Houston Alabama 1859-1861
37th-40th n/a3 ......... 1861-1869
41st William E. Niblack Indiana 1869-18714
41st Samuel J. Randall Pennsylvania 1869-1871
42nd n/a5 ......... 1871-1873
43rd William E. Niblack Indiana 1873-1875
44th Lucius Q.C. Lamar Mississippi 1875-1877
45th Hiester Clymer Pennsylvania 1877-1879
46th John F. House Tennessee 1879-1881
47th n/a6 ......... 1881-1883
48th George W. Geddes Ohio 1883-1885
49th J. Randolph Tucker Virginia 1885-1887
50th Samuel S. Cox New York 1887-18897
51st-53rd William S. Holman Indiana 1889-1895
54th David B. Culberson Texas 1895-1897
55th James D. Richardson Tennessee 1897-1899
56th-58th James Hay Virginia 1899-1905
59th Robert L. Henry Texas 1905-1907
60th-61st Henry D. Clayton Alabama 1907-19118
62nd Albert S. Burleson Texas 1911-19138
63rd A. Mitchell Palmer Pennsylvania 1913-1915
64th-65th Edward W. Saunders Virginia 1915-1919
66th Arthur G. DeWalt Pennsylvania 1919-1921
67th Sam Rayburn Texas 1921-1923
68th Henry T. Rainey Illinois 1923-1925
69th Charles D. Carter Oklahoma 1925-1927
70th Arthur H. Greenwood Indiana 1927-1929
71st David H. Kincheloe Kentucky 1929-19309
72nd William W. Arnold Illinois 1931-1933
73rd Clarence F. Lea California 1933-1935
74th Edward T. Taylor Colorado 1935-1937
75th Robert L. Doughton North Carolina 1937-1939
76th John W. McCormack Massachusetts 1939-194010
77th Richard M. Duncan Missouri 1941-1943
78th Harry R. Sheppard California 1943-1945
79th Jere Cooper Tennessee 1945-1947
80th Aime J. Forand Rhode Island 1947-1949
81st Francis E. Walter Pennsylvania 1949-1951
82nd Jere Cooper Tennessee 1951-1953
83rd Wilbur D. Mills Arkansas 1953-1955
84th John J. Rooney New York 1955-1957
85th-86th Melvin Price Illinois 1957-1961
87th-88th Francis E. Walter Pennsylvania 1961-196311
88th Albert Thomas Texas 1964-1965
89th Eugene Keogh New York 1965-1967
90th-91st Dan Rostenkowski Illinois 1967-1971
92nd-93rd Olin Teague Texas 1971-1975
94th Philip Burton California 1976-1977
95th-96th Thomas S. Foley Washington 1977-1981
97th-98th Gillis W. Long Louisiana 1981-1985
99th-100th Richard A. Gephardt Missouri 1985-1989
101st William (Bill) H. Gray III Pennsylvania 198912
101st-103rd Steny H. Hoyer Maryland 1989-199513
104th-105th Vic Fazio California 1995-1999
106th-107th Martin Frost Texas 1999-2003
108th-109th Bob Menendez New Jersey 2003-200614
109th James Clyburn South Carolina 2006-200715
110th Rahm Emanuel Illinois 2007-2009
111th-112th John Larson Connecticut 2009-present

1 No clear records remain for this Congress. Several Democratic Members offered the various organizing resolutions at the beginning of the Congress.
2 No clear data for this period exist.
3 No clear data for this period exist. Representative Hickman of Pennsylvania nominated Representative F.P. Blair as Speaker in 1861, but no records show whether Hickman was caucus chair.
4 Caucus records show Representative Niblack and Representative Randall as both having served as chairman during the Congress, but no dates of service were specified.
5 Representative Fernando Wood of New York nominated the Democratic leadership slate in the House, but there is no other evidence to show he was elected caucus chairman.
6 Available data show that Representative John F. House nominated Samuel J. Randall as the Democratic candidate for Speaker, the traditional role of the caucus chairman. Later data show W.S. Rosecrans issuing the next call for a Democratic Caucus meeting, but there is no evidence to suggest that Rosecrans was actually elected caucus chairman.
7 Former Parliamentarian Clarence Cannon's notes state "Cox died during this Congress and [Representative James B.] McCreary evidently succeeded or acted for him." However, Representative Cox died on September 10, 1889, six months after the sine die adjournment of the 50th Congress and the convening of the 51st Congress.
8 Caucus records are contradictory for this period. They show the election of Representative James Hay as chairman on January 19, 1911, but do not mention a resignation by incumbent chairman Clayton, nor do they specify that Hay was elected chairman for the new Congress. Later, they show the election of Representative Burleson on April 11, 1911.
9 Resigned from the House, October 5, 1930; there is no record of an election to fill the vacancy as caucus chair.
10 Resigned following election as majority floor leader, September 16, 1940; records do not indicate that a successor was chosen during the remainder of the Congress.
11 Died in office, May 31, 1963. caucus chairman post was vacant until January 21, 1964.
12 Representative Gray was elected Democratic Whip on June 14, 1989.
13 Representative Hoyer was elected Caucus Chairman on June 21, 1989, following the June 14, 1989, election of Representative William (Bill) H. Gray III as Majority Whip.
14 On January 16, 2006, Representative Menendez resigned from the House after he was appointed to the Senate.
15 Representative Clyburn was selected Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus on December 16, 2005, effective January 18, 2006.

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