
September 2012

Health Information Technology: Paving the Way to Improved Patient Care

July 2012

Secret spending threatens democracy

May 2012

State lawmakers must act to fight domestic violence

April 2012

Make the rich pay their fair share

March 2012

Let’s Shine a Light on Big Money in Politics

December 2011

Closing the Doughnut Hole Provides Relief to Rhode Island Seniors
Let’s have a straight deal for R.I. consumers of credit

August 2011

A plan to help R.I. businesses add jobs

May 2011

Congress must keep promises to seniors

March 2011

Cybersecurity needs complete plan

February 2011

Keeping Rhode Island Families in Their Homes

January 2011

Seeking a fair deal for R.I. manufacturers
A plan to mend filibuster, not end it

November 2010

Judicial activism

October 2010

Why We Need a Foreclosure Moratorium
A foreclosure nightmare

September 2010

Creating Jobs by Investing in Infrastructure
Cyber self-defense can help U.S. security

July 2010

It’s crucial to extend jobless benefits

June 2010

Jobs missing, not motivation