
The National Republican Senatorial Committee is leading the charge in taking back the Senate and putting the reins on an out of control Washington. With 51 Republicans in the Senate we can halt government growth, repeal Obamacare, and get the economy moving again!

Thats why we are asking you to please donate your most generous gift to help ensure we have the resources to gain back the 4 seats necessary in 2012 to take control of the Senate.

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    Call us at 202-675-6000
  • For your protection: The address you provide should be the same as the billing address of your credit card
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    We are required by law to ask for the following information. If you are retired, please enter "retired" for both entries below. If you are not employed, please enter "none" for both. If you are self-employed please enter "self" for employer.
  • Donation Information

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  • Legal compliance

  • Federal Law requires that you verify the following statements are true and accurate

    This contribution is made from my own funds with a personal credit card, and not with a corporate credit card or funds provided to me by another person. I am not a federal government contractor, nor am I a foreign national who lacks permanent resident status in the United States. I am at least 18 years old.

    Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Funds received in response to this solicitation will be subject to federal contribution limits.