We need a jobs president


It’s been over 275 days since President Obama has met with his jobs council. Add to that the over 1,270 days since Senate Democrats have passed a budget and it is no wonder we are facing an unprecedented jobs and debt crisis.

  • The Labor Participation rate is the lowest rate since Jimmy Carter’s presidency.  But Carter increased the participation rate during his time as president, Obama has decreased the rate.  And the Obama rate is now lower than when Carter left office.
  • During President Jimmy Carter’s Presidency The Labor Force Participation Rate Increased From 61.6% In January 1977 To 63.9% In January 1981. (BLS  Website, http://data.bls.gov/pdq/SurveyOutputServlet, Accessed 9/7/12)
  • During President Obama’s Presidency The Labor Force Participation Rate Decreased From 65.7% In January 2009 To 63.5% In August 2012.  (BLS  Website, http://data.bls.gov/pdq/SurveyOutputServlet, Accessed 9/7/12)

Join with us in demanding a new direction, a President and Senate more focused on American jobs than their own.

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