News :: Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment

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10/18/2012 Mica & Gibbs Statement on EPA’s Siege on the Clean Water Act at Law’s 40th Anniversary
9/20/2012 Gibbs Statement from Wetlands Permitting Hearing
9/19/2012 Subcommittee to Review Potential for States to Assume Lead Role in Wetlands Permit Program
9/13/2012 House Bill Stops Obama EPA’s Job-Threatening War on Coal
7/25/2012 Chairman Gibbs Holds Hearing to Focus on EPA’s Finalized Integrated Planning and Permitting
7/24/2012 Subcommittee Hearing to Focus on EPA’s Finalized Integrated Planning and Permitting
6/12/2012 Chairmen Gibbs and Harris Question EPA Efforts to Expand Clean Water Act Authorities
4/27/2012 House Bill Halts Administration’s Power Grab & Expansion of Water Regulation
4/18/2012 Gibbs Holds Hearing on the Economic Importance of the Inland Waterway System
3/28/2012 Hearing Reviews Budget Priorities for EPA
3/28/2012 Congressional Republicans Continue to Put Pressure on Obama Administration to Halt Water Guidance Overreach
3/27/2012 Subcommittee Reviews Budget Priorities for Army Corps of Engineers
3/26/2012 Subcommittee to Review Budget Priorities for Army Corps of Engineers and EPA
3/21/2012 Gibbs Holds Second of Two-Part Hearing to Review Financing Tools for Water Infrastructure
3/19/2012 Second of Two-Part Hearing to Focus on Innovative Approaches to Financing Water Infrastructure
2/28/2012 Gibbs Holds Hearing to Review Financing Tools for Water Infrastructure
2/27/2012 Subcommittee Hearing to Focus on Innovative Approaches to Financing Water Infrastructure
2/13/2012 Mica: Obama Transportation Budget Follows Road to Financial Ruin
2/3/2012 American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act Approved by Committee
2/1/2012 American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act Committee Markup Tomorrow
12/14/2011 Subcommittee Hearing Examines EPA Integrated Planning and Permitting
12/13/2011 Subcommittee Hearing to Focus on EPA's Integrated Planning and Permitting
11/30/2011 Gibbs Holds Hearing to Examine 2011 Missouri River Flood
11/17/2011 Speaker Boehner, Chairman Mica, & GOP Leaders Move Forward on Jobs Plan
11/16/2011 Subcommittee Hearing Focuses on Ensuring Regulatory Approaches to Hydraulic Fracturing that Will Help Protect U.S. Jobs
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